25 Tips to Improve Your Social Media Wisdom

If you’re new to online marketing or social media it may seem overwhelming and confusing. Where do you start? This helpful article gives 25 simple and easy-to-implement tips to become a savvy marketer without turning off your potential audience. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Be authentic, provide meaningful and relevant content with a big impact and it will take you a long way toward gaining an engaged audience.

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4 Digital Marketing Mistakes That Shouldn’t Be Carried Into 2016

Any time you approach the end of a calendar year it is a good time to spot if you have made any of the 4 Digital Marketing Mistakes. It is important to reflect and project your progress. In terms of reflecting, you should look at your business and consider everything that’s happened over the past year – good and bad. This will ultimately feed your ability to project. There will be things you want to bring to an end, as well as profitable aspects of your business that are worth continuing.   As a digital marketer, it’s imperative that you’re…

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17 Inspiring Female Entrepreneurs

One of the best ways to learn about succeeding as an entrepreneur is to follow others who are doing it well. Follow these inspiring 17 Online Female Entrepreneurs who are more than happy to share their success tips and strategies with you. Learn principles from their enthusiasm, branding and website copy that you can apply to your own online business.

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Helpful Monetizing Tips for Amazon Affiliates

The holidays are upon us and as you know, just about everyone uses Amazon for at least some of their shopping. You’ll want to capitalize on this by becoming an Amazon affiliate (if you’re in a participating state.) It’s a great way to increase your passive revenue stream. This article has some helpful tips to help you maximize your earning as an Amazon affiliate.

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How to Come Up With Blog Post Ideas in a Hurry

It may seem like the toughest part of blogging is brainstorming new blog post ideas. This is where many people procrastinate and tend to get stuck. But there is a simpler and easier way to find great blog post ideas without too much agonizing. With some simple old school research, you’ll find dozens of topics at your fingertips within a matter of minutes!

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How to Create Good Business Habits

Zig Ziglar said, “All bad habits start slowly and gradually and before you know you have the habit, the habit has you.” If you are struggling with some bad habits, don’t despair. With some self reflection, motivation and effort they can be changed. It’s been said that it can take 21 days to create  a new habit. This article shares 5 simple tips to help you begin habit modification.

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Mars vs. Venus Revisited

How important is branding to your business? Opinions differ between male and female business owners. According to this infographic beautiful design matters much more to women than to men, who usually just want it to be efficient. This is where understanding your target market is important. If your product is geared toward women, a beautiful design, logo and branding are essential to capturing their interest.

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Understanding Email List Segmentation

As online users have grown more savvy and discerning, they can easily become turned off or disconnected by mass mailings that they can’t relate to. For this reason, it’s important to understand and implement Email List Segmentation. This helpful guide will give you a helpful introduction and tips to get you started with confidence on segmenting your list.

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Facebook Testing New “Reactions” Feature

Many people have voiced their discontent with the thumbs-up feature on Facebook and have been asking for more options. Facebook is testing more emoticon reactions in Spain and Ireland. When you hover over the “Like” button seven different emoticons will appear for your selection (but don’t worry, you can still hit the “Like” button.) Since this option will probably be available to more users soon, now is the time to consider how this fits into your social networking and marketing strategy.

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21 Sanity Saving Rules for Solopreneurs

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a solopreneur? It’s possible for anyone, but it’s essential to have the proper mindset so that you’ll be successful. If you’re already a solopreneur, you probably already know that running a solo business is much different than running a business with a team under you. How can you find success and keep your sanity? This article will show you take stock of where you are, hold yourself accountable, find your business focus and celebrate your accomplishments.

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