The Importance of Writing Conversationally

Do you tend to skim through marketing messages without really reading them through? Many times the reason for this is that the content was written impersonally and didn’t sustain your interest. Writing conversationally is an important part of developing a relationship with your readers. And once they get to like and trust you, the likelihood increases that they will want to buy your services and products.  

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Why Should You Upgrade Your iPhone Passcode?

If you’re like me, you may have chosen to keep your old four digit password because it was simple and it seemed like too much trouble to switch to a six digit password. However, we should probably rethink that because as this article points out, it’s very easy to obtain tools to crack the password. If you’ve forgotten how to do it, the article gives you step by step instructions.

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How to Make an Infographic in Less Than An Hour

Visual content has greatly increased in popularity and effectiveness over the past few years. But did you ever wonder just how people make those eye-catching infographics? Perhaps you’ve thought that it’s too complicated or that you’re not artistic enough. Take heart, this article will show you how to create an infographic in less than hour.

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How to Make the Most of Being Snowed In

For those of us living in northern climates, the months between January and March typically mean being stuck in the house more than you’d like. For entrepreneurs, this can be a golden opportunity to brainstorm new project ideas as well as tackling some projects that you’ve been procrastinating about. This article has some great tips for productivity while you’re snowbound.

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How to Promote Affiliate Products

Promoting affiliate products is more than just inserting a few links on your social media sites. Online sales and promotion work differently than selling in person. There are several things you should do to successfuly promote affiliate products. Knowing your target market and being seen as an expert in your service or product will give you a definite advantage. And above all, be authentic and approachable. Your audience will know that you genuinely care about them and aren’t just out for the sale.

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How to Write Actionable Blog Posts

Do you ever wonder if your content is reaching your audience as well as it could? If you’ve been wanting to write content that will inspire them to take action, you’ll want to read this blog post about how you can make your posts more actionable. Start implementing these tactics and you’ll begin to see things happen for you.    

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Take Action to Reduce Your Taxable Income

If you’re earning money with your online business, give yourself a high five! However, earning more money also means potentially owing more come April. No business owner wants to find themselves in that position. What can you do about it? Check out this article that will show you how you can reduce your taxable income by making wise purchases that will also boost your business.

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Lead Opt-in Ideas For Podcasters

Leads are the lifeblood of your business. Every smart business owner knows that. Problem is, sometimes figuring out what to give away to get those leads is a bit challenging. You can find examples everywhere. But, they are often generic, or unsuitable to your audience or your industry. We’d love to help. In this post, are some ideas for all you podcasters out there. Early access to future episodes. After show recordings. These are additional thoughts and content after the official show has stopped and are often more casual in nature. Access to a private Facebook group or forum. Monthly subscriber’s only contest. What about everyone else?…

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How to Find Great Content to Curate

Sharing interesting content is one way to build credibility in your market and helps to create and maintain a strong online presence. People are always scrolling their feed for useful posts that they can share themselves. By sharing great content, you’ll become a go-to person in your niche. This article gives you a list of websites that consistently post great content that you can use for curation.

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Increase Your Income with Intentional Blogging

As you consider your blogging and editorial calendar for 2016, think about what worked and what didn’t in 2015. If it wasn’t a great year for you, take heart. This interview with Crystal Paine will tell you how she made her blog Money Saving Mom the success that it is and shares helpful tips to blog more intentionally this coming year.

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