How to Set Up Facebook Instant Articles for Your Business

If you’ve been wondering if Facebook Instant Articles can benefit your business, be sure to check out this informative article that will show you how to get set up and optimize your content quickly and easily. If you don’t know about this new publishing format, you can find out the platform basics here.

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10 Must Have Business Tools for New Entrepreneurs

As a new business owner, there are so many details to keep track of. How do you stay on top of it all without getting overwhelmed? You find this list of online business tools to be a great organizational help in giving you some peace of mind that you aren’t missing anything.

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How to Stay Focused at Work

Whether you are a brick-and-mortar business or an online entrepreneur, it’s all too easy for distractions of all kinds to take away precious minutes or hours from our day. Staying focused plays a critical part in the failure or success of our business. This article offers 10 tips to stay focused at work. Try some of these tips out and you’ll probably feel less stressed and more effective as a business owner.

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How Local Businesses Can Benefit From Pinterest

Most local business have a Facebook presence, but many don’t realize that Pinterest is a great way to connect with local customers and even drive foot traffic. This article will show brick and mortar businesses how to use Pinterest to market themselves locally. You’ll find helpful tips to optimally set up your boards and profiles as well as filling them with optimal content.

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Why Do People Unsubscribe From Your Emails?

As a marketer, you know the importance of an maintaining an active and relevant mailing list, so getting those unsubscribes can be pretty discouraging. This infographic will give you a visual analysis of some unsubscribe trends that will help you understand your reader’s behavior plans and help you to plan future email campaigns accordingly.

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email list

How To Engage In Content Marketing Like the Big Boys Do

Here’s a terrific opportunity to educate your customers in a big way and at the same time show your expertise. Write an eBook on your specialty. This doesn’t have to be the size of a novel, it just has to be rich enough to cover what’s important for them to know. It gives you the opportunity to put any myths to bed as well. If a customer takes your eBook, you then have their undivided attention. They are actively seeking the information you are providing. Ebooks are great because not only are they typically a quick read, you also have…

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Why You Need Reputation Management

As an online business owner, it’s important to know what people are saying about you on the Internet. With people being able to communicate their thoughts immediately, you should know how to deal with any potential problems as soon as they appear. And unfortunately, people can be much quicker to post a bad opinion rather than a good one. This article will help you to understand the importance of online reputation management and how to manage it.

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Do You Know The Perception of Your Brand?

If reputation is the word that could replace brand in a conversation between yourself and your customer, why is it that most small businesses don’t get branding right? From my experience, it hinges on information fed to them by the graphic design industry – that branding is all about changing your visual image. A rebrand to these people is changing your logo and marketing materials. Brand is so much more than that. Your visual image is definite a part of your brand. It is the face of your brand. It’s probably the public’s first exposure to it. And because everyone…

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How to Smooth the Transition to Daylight Savings Time

Most people dread setting their clocks forward in the spring. Not only do they lose that hour of sleep, but it can take a week or more for their bodies to adjust to the time change. This article offers helpful advice to smooth the annual spring transition to Daylight Savings Time.

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Best Practices for Social Media That Will Save You Over 25 Hours in Two Weeks

  Social media can suck up a large amount of time if you’re not careful. And how much time is too much for a business owner, anyway? If you want to cut back on the hours that you’re spending keeping all your accounts active, you’ll want to reach this article that will show you 8 Social Media Best Practices that will save you over 25 hours over a two week time span. Just think what you might be able to do with those saved hours!

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