Author name: Krishna De

Krishna De is and award winning brand engagement and social media communications expert. She is also the Founder and Vice Chair of the Association for Coaching in Ireland. She guides executives in how to create high performing businesses with a focus on building compelling and engaging corporate brands, employer brands, internal brands and their own personal brands leveraging traditional and social media marketing and communication strategies. Krishna is a contributing author to several books and is an inspiring speaker and sought after spokesperson on brand engagement, social media, leadership and coaching. Krishna's expertise has been featured extensively in the media and leading publications including the Wall Street Journal, The Independent, The Sunday Times, Marketing Age and Labour Mobility. You can access more of Krishna's insights and tips about branding, social media and leadership at her business blogs and podcasts 'Biz Growth News' (, 'Talking Coaching' ( 'The Podcast Sisters' ( and 'PodCamp Ireland' ( the unconference about social media in Ireland.

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