Author name: jeffbarson

Jeff Barson is a serial/parallel entrepreneur. He has founded an advertising agency, publishing company and several other internet-related businesses in addition to Surface Medical Spas. He loves the world of innovation and ideas. He formed Surface Medical Spas in 2000 and has grown Surface from one part-time clinic to 5 clinics in two states with revenue growth of 5000%. He councils physicians and businesses around the world on the emerging revolution in cosmetic medical businesses and delivery systems. Managing Partner & CEO, Surface Medical: Founding Partner & CEO, Nimble: Owner, Renaissance Man Publishing: Founder, Fight Club CEO Network: Owner, Wild Blue Creative Partners: My Linked In Profile: My other blogs:

Branding, Marketing

Build Your Network: People do business with those they know.

I get inquires from between 5 and 10 physicians each week who are looking to learn how to open or run a medical spa. Why do they call me? They know me.

Well, it’s not really me that they know. They’ve seen my picture and read my bio, but they’ve also read what I’ve written about cosmetic medicine and it’s struck them that I might actually now what I’m talking about. They feel a simpatico, a sense that our thinking is similar and a feeling that I’m approachable and can…

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