ECO-SAFE Blogging

Have you ever come across a website or business blog and have wanted to print out an article or blog post but find that there is no print icon on the web page or blog site?

I always think that we need to make it as easy as possible for people to access our content from our websites so one of the things I did some time ago on my main blog was to add some plugins so that people could then print a blog article or email articles to others.

However I recently came across a service that enables us to guide people to alternatives to print pages but still makes your content accessible to readers and enables you to virally market your blog to others with a tell a friend functon – and it’s free!

Eco Safe Blogging

The ECO-SAFE Merit Badge can be added to your website and offers the opportunity to website and blog visitors to:

  • send themselves or other an email of the article or page
  • send themselves or others a PDF of the article or page
  • download a PDF of the article or page.

Why not add the ECO-SAFE Merit Badge to your blog, website or ecommerce site.

Oh I almost forgot to let you know, you can also register for free iTunes music of your choice when you add the ECO-SAFE Merit Badge to you blog or website.

6 thoughts on “ECO-SAFE Blogging”

  1. Thanks for sharing Krishna, our family is also very big on helping the environment. I hope business of today will hopefully embrace more change like this.

  2. Pingback: Marketing Your Small Business With ShareThis - Small Business Branding

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