Is Red Tape Killing Your Business?

I know it’s certainly got a strangle hold on our business. Of course this is an internationally read and contributed to site here at SBB so different business laws will apply to different folk, but generally speaking I do think as a business owner red tape is too constricting.

And now I’m really going to sound like a moaning mini…but it rarely seems that new legislation is in the favour of the business owner. The government treasury seem to come out winners, employees seem to come out as winners, but the poor old chap simply trying to run his business on a day to day basis isn’t winning any ground! It sems like a constant uphill hike just keeping on top of what the new legislation actually is. I mean it’s rare that we actually get told what it is, instead it is up to us, the business owner, to find out and keep abreast of it – Just who has the time when you are already busy running a company? You’d need to employ someone full time just to keep an eye on these things – great if you are a large corporate structure, but not so workable if you are an SME!

So what’s the solution? Less red tape? Well it may be nice as some of the rule changes are silly and it does look like some governments simply produce new rules in order to create paperwork, which then needs a new pen pushing department to deal with it, which in turn means employing people to do that pen pushing…which has the sum total of bringing down the government’s unemployment figures! Hurrah!

But seriously shouldn’t small businesses be left in peace to get on with the business of running their company rather than being bound and constricted by red tape?

Do we actually need all the rules that are in place? I don’t think so. There’s certainly a few I can think of that I’d quite happily live without. What about you?

3 thoughts on “Is Red Tape Killing Your Business?”

  1. Hi Fred333,
    Yes I totally agree with you…unfortuantely overall there is too much red tape for us business owners that’s for sure…but how to get around it because as you say – some of it DOES benefit our businesses too?
    Thanks for the comment.

  2. Totally agree. I have been operating at the same location for thirty eight years except for a sabatical from 1990 to 2000. Shortly after I returned and got back into the same business I started to realize I had made a mistake. It was as if I had set up in a third world country being run by warlords. I literally have a trail of inspectors coming through my place writing me up on everything imaginable, this after spending a fortune upgrading the place. I haven’t seen any of them lately because it’s winter here and they have all gone back to school to top up their courses. They surely will be back in the spring with a whole new agenda but fortunately or unfortunately I won’t be here. I live in Ontario Canada. Thanks for the site.

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