How to Personalize Your Brand

The beautiful thing about branding is the desire to be different from anyone else. If we were just one big walking – talking fingerprint it would be case closed. But alas, it is much harder than that. What ever your pursuit at the moment – whether it is personal or business, your brand plays a major role whether you are aware of it or not. If we want to take a brand advantage then we must work hard at it.

For many who spent their entire youth just trying to fit in, to be one of thousands, the desire to discover and develop our own personal brand is quite a challenge. Here are some considerations that might help you on your journey to being a memorable personal brand:

1) The next time you order a drink at your favorite club or watering hole, don’t just say a Manhattan on the rocks but make it distinctive. “I’ll have a (Jameson) Manhattan on the rocks”. (Jameson Irish Whiskey) Make it specific, memorable.

2) Work on changing the things you don’t like about yourself.

3) Go out of your way to be helpful around the office or with clients.

4) Show up with coffee or treats for EVERY meeting.

5) Integrity. It is very important to follow through on promises. People like to trust you.

6) Use blogs to build your personal profile, be known as an expert.

7) Be a aggressive networker who gives first every time. People will want to help you succeed.

8) Be aware of your brand and stay true to it’s values, I guess we are talking integrity again.

9) Because you network effectively, become the ‘go to guy’. You become a reliable resource to others.

…and finally 10) – Don’t live a lie, become the brand you want to be.

So essentially, like a business brand – differentiation is key. I’m sure that you can add more to this list to become the best person you can be. We can label it personal branding or we can just label it honest living. Which ever you choose the goal is to make a powerful impact on a personal level.

5 thoughts on “How to Personalize Your Brand”

  1. Great post!

    I have been delving into all things brand-oriented lately so this post hit at a perfect time.

    I love your idea of blogging to build credibility. That is one of the things I’ve been doing lately and I find that it has helped my business immensely.

    I love your other idea of making things you say or do memorable. Being specific and unique. I’m going to try to do this one more often!


    Erin Blaskie
    Business Services, ETC

    Giving Business Owners Freedom by Managing the BS, etc.

  2. Erin,

    In many ways I find a blog to be more effective than a website for building audience. I’ve convinced many people I come into contact with to discover blogging. They have enjoyed increased awareness of their expert status.

    Like yourself I think we all constantly try to improve our personal brands. I’m glad I could help you in some small way.


  3. Hi Ed, again another great blog.

    I like the fact you are building great imagery of branding that even someone with no branding knowledge could understand.

    It still fascinates me with the notion that everything could be considered a brand whether it is a product, company, country, celebrity, government or services. I am about to start a PhD in political marketing and can’t wait to have more time to research the subject.

    Keep up the good work


  4. I agree Chris. Brand is an intirguing topic. Having (or about to have) a PhD speaks to your brand. You can’t escape it! Thank you for your opinion here. By the way I love the threerooms website and the 3 doors theme throughout. I especially love the Devonshire logo. Great work over there.

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