How to Use Periscope To Connect With Your Clients

How to use Periscope to improve client engagement

Have you heard the buzz about Periscope and wondered if it’s the right platform for your business? Periscope has certainly been generating a lot of excitement and many are saying that it’s here to stay along with Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

Periscope is a video streaming platform owned by Twitter and has only been around for about three months. Everybody’s talking about it. But like any other new technology it does take a little time and effort to learn how to use it to its full advantage. This helpful article will show you how you can use Periscope to improve client engagement.

1 thought on “How to Use Periscope To Connect With Your Clients”

  1. Yes, I’m loving Periscope! I think Kim Garst & Darren Rowse are doing it the most frequently with good Scopes so they’re interesting to follow. This has the possibility of becoming G+ though – where social & tech leaders go but I have no chance to get my mom on stuff like this anytime soon. That’s the reality – she never joined G+. She loves FB. It’s obvious why one works a lot better for most niches.

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