How to Create Viral Quote Images

Have you noticed that visual content has become increasingly important in blog posts and across social media?  Knowing how to find use great images has become an essential part of your social strategy. Great images and particularly quote images are far more likely to get shared in the form of retweets, regrammed, pins, and on Facebook. But how can you be sure you’re using the best quotes for your brand? This helpful article will help you evaluate the emotional impact of the quotes that you’re considering as well as helpful tips on fonts, layout and branding.

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2 thoughts on “How to Create Viral Quote Images”

  1. Hi Lynette,

    There is no doubt that that visual content is more effective nowadays. Rather than reading a written content in order to get readers be enticed with a product or blog, it is now much faster for readers to understand a certain thing with the accompaniment of right visual aids and quotes. This will also be helpful for writers as well as they will have more time and space to expound their thoughts without worrying about looking for the write words to describe what they want for readers to understand. Personally, I am new to quote images that is why big thanks to you for sharing this useful info. Cheers!

  2. This was a really interesting read – while we have known for a while that visual content does a lot better than the alternative, I have also seen the push to emphasize quotes more in content using block HTML, “Tweet This” buttons etc. It looks like the key is to combine both where you increase the value of the quote or information with a visual background. Thanks for sharing!

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