Testing 1-2-3. Testing.

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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Testing is underrated among solopreneurs. Maybe other businesses too (I’m not sure). When I say testing, I mean product testing. Testing a product to see if it will sell. Or if it will sell the way it’s currently being marketed. I was reminded about testing a few days back by Bob Bly.

It came back into consciousness yesterday. A friend is stressing out about a new program she’s launching. She’s worried it won’t fill. Been there myself a time or two.

I love David Letterman. He has a goofy segment on his show called Will it Float. He throws all kinds of different stuff into this pool of water to see if it will float. No, it doesn’t sound funny, and only Letterman could make it entertaining. But the point is they have a ball with it, and the crowd loves it.

Testing is all about throwing stuff into the pool to see if it will float. Could you be that loose and fun about a new product/service/project you’re about to launch? It sounds a bit counterintuitive to most folks. And it goes back to the idea of Forget Thing Big. Think Small.

Is this a valuable "come from" place?

If so, what steps does one need to take to become more experimental (more testy?) in their own business? 

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