Create A Virtual Business And Make Real $$$

Would you like to unleash the entrepreneur within? Or the geek perhaps? Now there’s a way to do it even if you’re strapped for cash or unsure if your idea will work.

The “virtual” business world is here. And it’s thriving. If you’re not already acquainted with it, you may want to check this out. Second Life offers a community where you can create virtually anything you like!

Best of all, Second Life has a fully integrated economy, aptly titled The Marketplace, where you can make real money. Designed to reward risk, innovation, and craftsmanship, you can build your own business and test it out in the virtual world.

Residents create their own virtual goods and services.

Because residents retain the IP rights of their creations, they are able to sell them at various in-world venues. Businesses succeed by the ingenuity, artistic ability, entrepreneurial acumen, and good reputation of their owners.

The Second Life site opened to the public in 2003. Today it has over 2,000,000 inhabitants who appear to be trading some fairly serious dollars. Or LindeX as the case may be. Never heard of a LindeX? Then let me refer you to the LindeX Currency Exchange.

Are you thinking what I’m thinking? If you’d like a slice of all this LindeX Activity you may want to delve deeper into discovering the Second Life metaverse with their “official guide”:

The first part, “Getting a Second Life,” acquaints potential and new players with the Second Life world. It describes the metaverse’s geography as well as its society, explaining its written and unwritten rules. The second part, “Living a Second Life,” deals with the practical and economic aspects of Second Life: creating and customizing an avatar, building objects, scripting, and making money. The third part of the book, “Success in Second Life,” discusses ways to enjoy Second Life more. It includes profiles of successful Second Life residents, discusses fascinating in-world events, and examines how some are using Second Life for business, training, and other purposes.

And who said that living vicariously wasn’t fun? What an awesome way to “practice” your innovative, creative and entrepreneurial skills!

5 thoughts on “Create A Virtual Business And Make Real $$$”

  1. Sounds a lot like the gamers that are playing online games and then sell the stuff you get in the game on EBay. Like weapons and spells.

  2. Don, I’m not familiar with that culture, but from what I understand I think the concept of Second Life is a bit more sophisticated.

    I was reading Lee Hopkins ( blog post of 2 Jan “2007: No predictions, just desires”, and the following two items were on his list:

    “…research into the PR and business opportunities and risks in virtual 3D environments (such as Second Life)”, and, “a new and funkier home for the CommsCafe in the aforementioned Second Life.”

    I’m keen to follow his progress on this because I’d really love to learn more about it.

    btw, you can find CommsCafe at (for now) – an excellent resource for anyone wanting to learn more about business communication.

  3. Pingback: Case Study - Part 1: Blaze a New Trail and Clean Up Financially » Small Business Marketing And Branding

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