Calling All Aussie Teentrepreneurs!

Last night I was scanning through an email from the Australian Anthill Magazine promoting the contents of their latest issue and read a call for all Aussie Teentrepreneurs to come forward. Then Jeff’s last post prompted me to put the word out.

Please note their deadline is this Friday, 15 December…


Last time we profiled Teentrepreneurs, they ended up being interviewed on Channel Nine’s Today show.

Due to popular demand, we’re dedicating Tunnel Talk in issue 20 (Feb/Mar 07) to exciting Australian Teentreprenuers. And we want your help.

Perhaps you know a Teentrepreneur. Maybe it’s your daughter, son, neighbour, gardener or client. Maybe YOU are a Teentrepreneur. We’re looking for entrepreneurial teenage success stories, especially female (come on girls, we want to get your story out there!).

If you know a good Teentrepreneur (lemonade stands don’t count), send us an email by Friday 15 Dec. [email protected]

1 thought on “Calling All Aussie Teentrepreneurs!”

  1. I know a teenage blogger from Canada makes lot of money. I wish i could remember his name or website. If I ever stumble upon once again then i will get back to you.

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