Have You Been Using Twitter The Wrong Way?

I have been using Twitter for a while now but never knew about this. Awesome tip from Gary Vaynerchuk.

[slideshare id=28507504&doc=slidesharegvtwitterv4-131121175510-phpapp01]

6 thoughts on “Have You Been Using Twitter The Wrong Way?”

  1. Data Synergo provides services that drive results in customer management cycles. An innovative provider of marketing services, we provide practical solutions for bridging the business relationship between clients and their customers. Our services support customer management activities such as demand generation, lead qualification, customer acquisition and retention, event management, data analysis.

  2. Twitter is still growing and can’t be, in fact we utilize it in our free social marketing platform at Retellity

  3. This slideshare rocks! It’s basic yet will make a whole lot of difference when using twitter. I mean just imagine how many people and shares you will lost when you’re totally unaware of this strategy. Great thoughts from Gary. Thanks for sharing this Ken. 🙂

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