Do you feel like the preverbal needle in the haystack. The right customers just aren’t finding you. You appear to be doing things correctly – nice image, good logo and snappy slogan. All good things for sure, but what is the messaging you’re using? How are you speaking to your audience? My guess that you, like many small to medium size enterprises are all speaking the same conversation. Everyone has no strategy in place to strike a powerful cord with the buy. The main issue is that for all you worthy efforts your brands simply not resonating with your audience. You are doing exactly what all of your competition is doing and that’s exactly the problem. There is no differentiator. Your needle is not unlike a lll the other needless and you’re all buying in the same haystack.
The answer is to take a stand and position your brand that separates you from the crowd with something tangible that the customer needs or desires in a large way. Typically this ‘resonating position’ is something dramatically different than anything being done in your category. You’ve got to make your needle stand out. Doing so will make it easier to spot in the haystack of life. From my experience working through this with customers, the result is something that has them nervous at first but excited as they move forward with it. It’s tough being different. But if you are people will remember your brand. It’s an innovative idea, but one that’s fun to embrace once you see the results.