Updated Spam Protection Plug-Ins

Small Business Branding has had a change of spam protection systems.

We are now using Math Comment Spam Protection Plug-in which requires you complete a basic maths equation in order to approve your comment.

The Math plug-in replaces the Spam Karma plug-in we were previously using.

The Trackback Validator plug-in has also been installed to protect against trackback spam.

Thanks to SeoPedia for links to these plug-ins.

7 thoughts on “Updated Spam Protection Plug-Ins”

  1. That’s an interesting way of doing things for spam protection. It seems like it would be fairly easy for spammers to figure out though. I hope it works out well for you.

  2. How do I find Options / Math COmment spam?

    In my blog in admin I have options but not “Math etc…

    I Disabled the Plug in as even when I removed the code people were unable to post comments.

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