The “NEW” Business Card

whatsnewcardUse traditional 3.5″ X 2″ business cards to promote new services, products, specials or whatever is new at your business. They would still have your contact information. Use them to drive business to your website or location. Treat them as promo cards with a personal circulation. A clever new way to celebrate your brand.

When you go to a networking event in your community, you can take the opportunity to NOT hand out your traditional card but instead, hand out your “what’s new card.” One great result is that it initiates conversation on your “news.” It’s a simple idea, but one that is inexpensive and novel. It doesn’t matter what size company you have – there’s always great news to spread. What could you put on your promo card?

4 thoughts on “The “NEW” Business Card”

  1. Well, come to think of it, it’s a new trick that can be use to make prospective buyers curios about the product that businessmen offers. Thanks for sharing this interesting and informative post.

  2. This new business card for
    a newly introduced product or service is a brilliant idea Ed. I think it will
    be more effective and get more interest than distributing brochures which
    comes across more often like a blatant marketing strategy.

  3. Thanks for your endorsement of the idea. I am using it to promote some new services on my own website. I’m anxious to see it in action.

  4. Thanks for article, I never really worried about the standard and format so far. This is eye opener. Thanks.

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