OK, this article serves dual purposes. I originally intended to write about why marketing your business with article submissions to online databases such as ezinearticles.com are crucial to generating buzz about your biz.
Was going to tell you about the fact that I’ve only submitted four articles since June. The combination of all four have been viewed 401 times. The real crowd pleaser seems to be my first submission, “Build a Better Life by Learning to Love Language — The Ultimate Power Tool of Communicationâ€Â. (Shameless self-promotion, thank you Suzanne Falter-Barnes at getknownnow.com).
I was going to share with you that only two days after submitting that first article I was contacted by JT Chandler letting me know that he had picked up my articles and was featuring me as an expert author on his website jtchandler.com (about all things personal development and Laws of Attraction). Was gonna wax poetic about how JT and I have developed an online friendship and he keeps me in the loop of any new possible blogging opportunities, new potential business contacts and anything else he thinks might be beneficial to my business. Dare I say he’s a Kam-bassador?
This article was also going to share how just this week I was contacted by another coaching/speaker/author type proposing that I collaborate with he and a few others on an anthology they are publishing about the keys to happiness and success. And how he found my articles on the site and then linked to my website from my bio box at the end of the article.
Thought about linking over to the ezinearticles.com website so you could see for yourself how advantageous it is to write about what you know, submit it to the database and let the universe work it’s magic. Meaning if you really are an expert in your field, people WILL find your articles and they WILL use them on their websites, on their blogs, in their e-zines and in their newsletters. You WILL begin getting sited across the blogosphere and beyond as a “go to†person for your business/product/service.
So I was gonna say, get busy writing. Get your fingers tapping on those keys and churn out a few simple, but sassy articles on what it is that YOU’RE an expert at. Knit mittens for kitties? Cool. Write about that. Sell the latest and greatest widget or wadget? Awesome! Are you the next big techno-savvy small business consultant that the rest of us just can’t live without?
Right on! Then sit your happy ass down, put your creative hat on, and start hunting and pecking. Because this method of WOM really works. The features and author tracking tools are awesome. The author spotlight on the homepage is an added bonus for you. Search by article, author or keyword. Chris Knight, (master of the ezinearticles.com domain) blogs about the many ways to utilize his site. He’s like your own personal instructor on how to maximize your articles, viral and WOM marketing.
But then I came across this post and it seemed relevant to our SBB blog, so I thought I’d share it as well. (Stick with me. We’re almost there.)
I stumbled upon Thomas Murrell, an international business speaker, consultant and award-winning broadcaster and publisher of Media Motivators. His article, “Why The World Loved The Steve Irwin Personal Brand”, is loaded with juicy back to basics branding tips. Who didn’t love the infectious Aussie and his charming, witty animal antics? Check this out –
3) Authenticity
Irwin was the real deal. While Australia’s highest grossing movie ‘Crocodile Dundee’ was pure drama, Irwin was real and provided dramatic reality.4) Drive, Passion, Energy, Enthusiasm
In an interview published in the book Guinness World Records 2006 Irwin was asked, “How would somebody follow in your footsteps?” Here’s his answer:“If you want to become a zoologist you’ve got to do all the tertiary education, but don’t lose your passion or enthusiasm despite the hard work or homework you have to do. Just follow through. Passion and enthusiasm will get you everywhere you want to go in the world.”
Irwin was living proof of this principle.
He could answer with laser-like precision the question: “Who are you and what do you do well that other people will respect you and reward you for?”
6) Memorable and Distinctive Point of Difference
There are hundreds of TV wildlife presenters. Irwin was different. He was very clever in selecting or inventing a distinct combination of factors that became a unique point of difference to competitors.The three elements were:
Wardrobe: khaki shorts and shirt
Language: crikey, down to earth, simple
Danger & Drama he actually handled live animals8) Consistency
Irwin understood the fact that it is more important to be clear and consistent than original. Symbolism is very powerful. So even when scuba diving he wore that khaki uniform. It was wacky but it worked.
So there you have it! A long winded way to share what I’ve found to work in the world of WOM. Think, “If you write it and post it, they will comeâ€Â. You also need to know a little bit about what you’re talking about, have a flair for writing, and a professional photo for your bio isn’t a bad idea either.
Go ahead, put yourself out there! The world is waiting for your wisdom about widgets. Take a lesson from the zany Aussie, be YOU and the brand will evolve into the empire you’ve always imagined.
NOTE** I am in no way affiliated with ezinearticles.com, just sharing a resource that has worked for me. I can’t be held personally responsible if no one reads your stuff!!
Get busy branding,
Kammie K.
Hi Kammie,
It should be no surprise I enjoyed this article of yours. I have a couple of questions that may help both me and other readers:
1. When you started, were you scared people would think you were a fraud or somehow unqualified? (I ask this NOT because I think it of you, but because it’s actually a personal fear that many people struggle with).
2. How do you figure out what to write about?
3. How do you do your research to supplement your articles? (You’re always citing great other quotes, sites, etc). I would imagine that research
can get time consuming!
4. (a random idea for you). You could COACH people on this stuff–getting online exposure, what to write about, where to go, etc. I can totally see it@
I’m glad you dig the article. Let me attempt to answer your questions…
1) Hell yeah! I WAS and still get spooked by putting my stuff “out there”. When I first launched my website, I was a wreck. Yet people started showing up, I put more stuff out there and it gets easier everyday. I try and write articles that interest me, hoping that others will find them interesting too. I’m always HONEST, and write from my heart. And I think that’s what people find interesting/entertaining about my articles. I don’t pretend to be something I’m not.
2 & 3) I usually stumble upon a site, blog, article or quote that inspires me and go from there. It’s usually when I’m surfing for something else, so I keep a file where I save interesting links that I can refer back to and save ’em for later if needed. Or I STOP what I’m doing and just dive right in as inspiration strikes!
4) That’s funny that you mention coaching people around this. I am heading down that road. I have several friends that build websites and I am putting together a one-sheeter of info for them to refer clients to me for those very services. I’ll need to add the internet consulting/coaching info to my website as well. If you know anyone in need send them my way!
Reese, you are a model and mentor of authenticity in business for me and I appreciate your supportive feedback. Keep on rockin’ the bad-ass websites like you do!
Nice article Kam,
Very nice… It’s definitely got me thinking about branding in a new light. Keep up the good work and keep us posted on the consulting/coaching opportunities.
I’m glad you enjoyed the article. Like I mentioned in my comment to Reese, I just try and write about what’s interesting to me.
Finding branding role models/leaders/mentors like Steve Irwin or sharing resources like the article databases is all part of the fun. That’s why I do what I do:)
Your stuff’s not too shabby either friend!
Here’s something you could try if you use Ezine Articles:
1. Dig around in your stats to see who is publishing your articles on their websites and who sends you the most traffic.
2. Contact those sites and offer them 1 original article per week.
I just did this. The website owner was really pleased that I contacted him and has offered a complete bio page on their website as well as having a bio paragraph at the end of each article.
I reckon this should generate a fair bit of extra traffic for my website.
What do you think of this approach?
I LOVE your idea!
What an unexpected gift for the ezine publisher.
I’ll defintiely look into my stats and see who’s biting.
Thanks for the great tip.
Kammie K.
Hi Kammie,
It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. I was surprised at how well it worked.
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