Value Your Customers If You Value Your Business
Have you ever walked into a store excited about your latest purchase only to leave your much coveted purchase on the counter because of the [lack of] customer service?
Remember how that made you feel?
I’d venture to say that if you were happy & excited to make your purchase when you walked in the store you walked out with a much different feeling about your choice and vowing to find the item somewhere they would actually appreciate you.
Let’s translate that to your own business.
How many people walk away from an experience with you, your site or your product unhappy because they weren’t treated they way they thought they should be?
Exemplary customer service is all about treating your clients & customers they way they feel they should be treated. Make them feel special and appreciated and they’ll be loyal to you and your brand.
If you don’t know how people feel about their experiences with you then you must make it a point to find out. Putting the value of your customers above everything will help you find true success. Without your customers you don’t have a business.
Now, that we’ve touched on how important your clients & customers are to your business let’s talk about the people that represent you.
They way you treat the people that help you run your business will directly reflect on how they treat the clients & customers with whom they have contact.
If you treat your “helpers” rudely or with indifference then that is how they may treat your customers.
The way people are treated by the representative of your company is a direct reflection of you. Make sure that the people that work on behalf of your company are treated with respect and understand their value to you so that they can reflect that feeling to your clients & customers.
Exemplary customer service is synonymous with your brand.
Let someone have a bad experience with you and before you know it they’re sharing that bad experience via word of mouth and worse through social media.
Be respectful to each and every person that finds their way to you. It is important to be courteous and make your customers feel as if they matter – that they are valued.
People are less likely to work with or buy from a business because they have seen online or heard by word of mouth that a company provides bad customer service. With quick access to the internet all it takes is one negative word on Twitter or Facebook about your business and you may be doomed to failure.
The key to brand loyalty is exceptional customer service. Go out of your way to show customers that you care about them whether they buy or not. Respond quickly to emails, comments, contact forms and most especially to a customer standing at your counter or cash register. They will remember that they were treated well, had their questions answered and made to feel important.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles
first i like to say u Thank you for sharing this post. But i have been tried lot of times through social media for exceptional costumer their no use.
Now i got a new hope by reading this article.
first i like to say u Thank you for sharing this post. But i have been tried lot of times through social media for exceptional costumer their no use.
Now i got hope by reading this article.
Does an establish brand required rebranding?
@vijina That is a great question but not one with a yes or no answer. Many established brands are in trouble because they do not change with the customer base.Â
If you are giving them what they need and want then I would say continue what you are doing.An established brand has taken lots of time ,resources to become known and you do not want to throw that away. If you are seriously considering a rebrand then you need to understand why your current brand is not working.
No amount of rebranding will fill a void between you and your customers.
@vijina That is a great question but not one with a yes or no answer. Many established brands are in trouble because they do not change with the customer base.Â
If you are giving them what they need and want then I would say continue what you are doing.An established brand has taken lots of time ,resources to become known and you do not want to throw that away. If you are seriously considering a rebrand then you need to understand why your current brand is not working.
No amount of rebranding will fill a void between you and your customers.
You may want to read Ed Roach recent post”.When Should A Company Re-Brand?”
Having been in Business now for 30 Years, both off line and now several Years on-Line I understand Customers Need to Feel that their Business (Purchases) is Important to You, True Branding Starts with Customer Service! Customer Service Leads to Word of Mouth and Refferal Sales and a Reputation which Creates a Foundation of Branding Helping One Stand Out from The Competition.
Gary Affron
appealing identity to the customer help them understands what business you are in to.. .very informative article..
The internet can make you and break you.