Are You happy With Your Personal Brand?

Generating leads is all about who knows you. Not only knowing who you are but what their perception of you is? That perception is reality on the street or online. The challenge in nurturing your personal brand is consistency. Online, the other person doesn’t have the opportunity to know you face-to-face. I’ll use myself as an example. Look at my website and study my brand image. ( I’ll wait here and give you a few minutes. )

Alright then. You may have noticed that my brand palette is black, mustard yellow and gray. I have some free information available on the surface of my site and deeper into it. The language is straight forward and direct. I’m hoping that you as the reader find it engaging, no B.S. and friendly.

All of my marketing materials from my business card, brochures, display materials, different presentations for speaking engagements, my twitter page, blog and everything and anything maintain those same attributes. If you were to run into me at an off-line networking event, (or any other business activity) I’m the character all dressed in black with my logo and slogan embroidered above my breast pocket. My sleeves are rolled up and I try to reach out to whom ever i come into contact with, I try to break down any barriers and offer as much free advice as i can for that moment. I never hand out a business card unless asked for one. (Even if there’s a flurry of card passers in my midst).

When I give presentations, every slide has my company logo so that my audience never forgets who is in front of them. My podcasts have a audio cue and an opening and closing stating my brand name. EVERY touchpoint is important in creating and maintaining my overall brand. You cannot afford to have any loose ends.

It’s your brand, it’s up to you to define it. Taking it lightly, will cost you a fortune later trying to clean it up. The great thing is it doesn’t feel like work – I enjoy my brand image and positioning.

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