Claim It! Own It! now Promote It!

It’s time your brand got out from behind that inspiring advertising slogan and actually stand for something. A large part (and I would argue) the most important part of your brand is your positioning. Where can your brand take the high ground? What is your brand leading in? Are you the only something? Positioning is absolutely based on differentiation. I hear countless companies state things that don’t really make them different, but actually make them blend in. For instance, “our people make the difference.” Sure, you and a thousand other companies.
Or how about “we excel in service.” If your competitors are still around, perhaps they do as well.

Taking a position based on differentiation takes moxy. Not only does it take guts to take the high ground, it takes commitment to own it. By owning it, I mean that you have to live the brand promise in the position you take. If you say you will deliver that pizza in 30 minutes or it’s free, then you had better do exactly that. Your customers have no appetite for false claims. They will eat your brand for breakfast if you don’t deliver. Deliver and they will love you and reward you.

For your brand position to work it has to resonate with your customers. It has to speak to them. One of my customers, Suntrition, whose brand positioning is: “Leaders in small-batch, oral-dose manufacturing,” speaks directly to their target audience. Small suppliers in the nutraceutical products industry. While all of their competitors are seeking the large contracts and giving short -shrift to the little guys, Suntrition has chosen to specialize in small batch production. They are laying claim to this high ground. It’s working. At recent industry B2B trade shows, small batch suppliers flocked to their booth refreshed that someone actually values their business and is actively seeking it. They not only came home with hot leads, they are setting sales records.

The difference between a slogan and a positioning statement is that the slogan inspires and the position resonates and sells. It’s no reason that sales staff and management are rejuvenated when they actually develop their differentiator and take their branding more seriously. Now marketing truly has a story to tell.

35 thoughts on “Claim It! Own It! now Promote It!”

  1. Pingback: Your Brand: Know It Before You Show It « The Insatiable Solopreneurâ„¢

  2. Ed, this is really hilarious: “our people make the difference.” Sure, you and a thousand other companies…. and I think that to make a stand when it comes to your brand may just mean making a difference in your niche. That would be tough, to start with, and we don’t want a Steve Jobs copycat as well. I think, there’s always the adage that goes: If you can’t deliver results, don’t make any promises. Love your insights on the topic, by the way!

    1. @garious1 Thanks garious1 . I agree – differentiate within your niche. After all that is the marketplace in which you seek to make an income. Yes, “our people make the difference” is amusing, but I hear it all the time.

  3. Great article Ed! So many people neglect the idea of positioning, yet it is one of the most important things a company can do. I see so many companies try to position themselves in the exact same way as a competitor, this is never a good plan.

    1. @jenfontaine Yes, you’re right Jen. I typically get a blank stare when i introduce positioning. Business people are familiar with their slogan etc. and think that that tells their whole story. I have to point out that their logo should inspire but it rarely positions. I encourage development of the position then often times we have a slogan to inspire. For instance i have a customer who’s position is, “The Leader in Small-Batch, Oral Dose Manufacturing.” Their slogan is: “We’re BIG in small.” Of course, one compliments the other.

      To position exactly like their competitor just tells me (and everyone else) that they’re not the leader. they are allowing and encouraging the competition to define them. A great way to have their brand stand for nothing. Thanks for pointing this out Jen.

  4. Thanks for such an informative and worth reading post, I would like to say a thanks for sharing an amazing post. Am specially impressed with your writing skills. Its really a nice article.

    1. @mediasips It’s not often I get complimented on my writing skill. Thank you. I work hard at getting my thoughts across as honestly as possible. I have a heck of time with it at times.

      I’m glad you enjoyed the post and took the time to comment.

  5. Hi Ed

    If you go after the same audience everyone is seeking it certainly does make it harder to get the results you want. You have to find your niche. And once everyone else figures out what you are doing, they will be too late.

    1. @Clearlycrystal That’s right – once competition react they’ll be following your lead. A nice brand position. Perception will be that you are the one to watch.

  6. Thanks for this useful information. excellent post with great resources! This is by far one of the most comprehensive posts i’ve seen here and look forward to more.

    1. @tree care Thanks TC, Many of my articles get right to the point. If you want more articles similar, just browse the archives here – you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

  7. I encourage development of the position then often times we have a slogan to inspire. For instance i have a customer who’s position is, “The Leader in Small-Batch, Oral Dose Manufacturing.” Their slogan is: “We’re BIG in small.” Of course, one compliments the othe.

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  8. Yes you are absolutely correct and specially when a customer is paying from his earning He would definitely not going to make any compromise with it. He just always wanted the best and that’s what you should do to deliver him the best.

  9. Yes you are absolutely correct and specially when a customer is paying from his earning He would definitely not going to make any compromise with it. He just always wanted the best and that’s what you should do to deliver him the best.

    1. @candsmedina That’s great Candsmedina – a great way to start off a New Year. Positioning when done properly will resonate with customers. You will enjoy the response very much.

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