This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.
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What a busy week for me. I just finished catching up on email that had piled up since the beginning of the month (sorry to everyone I left waiting). Now I’m feeling a bit reflective. It’s like that "I just finshed diggin a ditch, and now it’s Miller time" kind of feeling (btw, I hate Miller beer; it’s only Corona for me). In any event, these are some of the things I’m still thinking about from the week that was.
1. Solostream – I never stop thinking about it. Now that I
have the web platform in place, I’m feeling like it’s time to set some
real goals. There are a few more blogs to be put in place, and that
will happen over the coming two weeks. One will be on podcasting.
Another on simplifying global communication or something like that. The
other one is around creativity and/or personal information management.
I have some people involved with helping me on each of them. All in
all, it’s happening, albeit never fast enough for me.
2. Typepad is Still Pissing Me Off – Heard from Ginerva, a member of the Typepad team. She wrote to say she’s sorry for my experience with TP. In the meantime, Mena Trott, TP’s president posted on her blog about what’s going on with the service.
According to Ginerva, TP’s CEO is supposed to be sending an email
to all their customers addressing the problems and concerns (haven’t
seen it yet). Oh, I just received this message from Ginerva:
"Barak has taken the road of eating our own dog food, rather than blasting
everyone with email, and posted more about the issues. (find it here)
I have to go to them to figure out what’s up. In this case, my request
is that TP go ahead and blast me with an email, as well as the blog
I’m still being patient.
3. Entrepreneur Magazine – I wrote
a couple of days ago about EM’s "Branding and Image columnist," who
suggested a company’s logo is the foundation of it’s brand. I suggested
maybe there’s a little conflict of interest when someone who sells
logos (via his website: would suggest something so
ridiculous in such a widely read magazine. Jim,
one of my loyal readers, wrote to suggest the EM editor must have been
asleep at the wheel on that one. The more I think about it, the more
EM’s credibility goes down in my eyes. Jim and I are planning a letter
to the editor.
There’s probably more to talk about, but my time has run out.
There’s a 12-year-old young lady waiting for me. Have a great weekend
Oh, one last thing. I’m 80% completed with my free PODSNAPPER Beginner’s
Guide to Podcasting. Hope to get it out in the next few days. Keep an
eye out for it.