Weblogs, Inc Sold to AOL

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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PaidContent.org reported yesterday that Weblogs Inc, the very successful blog network started by Jason Calacanis, is being sold to AOL for an estimated $25 million. Reuters confirmed the story this morning (and yes, they credited PaidContent.org with breaking the story first).

In case you’re unaware, WIN
contains over 80 different blogs (e.g. Engadget, Autoblog) and employs
some 100 bloggers who help generate an estimated $2 million a year in
ad revenue.

This event is just more evidence that big media is coming to grips
with the fact that blogs are going to have a seat – perhaps the biggest
seat – at the table whether they like it or not.

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