This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.
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I may have ADD. I say that as a joke, but sometimes I wonder. I’ve spent the last week or so making my way through David Allen’s Getting Things Done. The GTD system is a 5 stage process:
- Collecting your stuff.
- Processing your stuff.
- Organizing your stuff.
- Reviewing your stuff.
- Doing your stuff.
My biggest problem is I give myself too much stuff to do. No, maybe it’s my inability to focus. Or it could be my lack of discipline. Too much coffee perhaps.
As of yesterday morning, I felt I had a pretty good grasp on everything in my life I need to do. Now I’m not so sure. Back to the drawing board I guess.
Watch this space for updates. I’m also lining up some folks to interview on the subject of productivity. You’ll be able to hear them on SavvySoloCAST (assuming I can make the time to actually do the interview).