Make Your Own Economy!

brandingMy general feeling is that you can do business one of two ways: You can either let the economy happen to you, or you make your own economy and capture opportunities. I choose the latter.

The last three years have been very good for me. And this year is looking positive already. At the end of last year, I sat down and forged my goals for this coming year. I earmarked two items: earn more consulting business and to harness more paid speaking engagements. If my intention was to let the economy happen to me, then my strategy would be to sit back and see what gels. Let the universe control my fate.

But, as I said my strategy is to make my own economy. This amounts to surrounding myself with positive energy. It also involves putting initiatives in place to help generate the actions i need to achieve my goals. My success hinges on how and when I promote myself. I use specific networking avenues on and offline. Over the years certain media have worked well for me, so naturally I will continue to build on those efforts. My brand personally and professionally are important to my success. The path they have taken empowers me to keep the momentum from waning. With regard to speaking engagements – instead of just waiting to see who might seek me out, I am making my own economy by developing a Branding Event and find the audience for it. My first event will be on Canada’s East Coast. It is scheduled for late summer. I am anxious to see if my model can find an audience and then learn from it.

What can you do to build your own economy? What ever initiatives you choose, you may be surprised that a new revenue stream is entirely possible where one never seemed plausible in the past. Key to your own economy is positive energy. Keep up a strong force to succeed. Any negativity will only through up barriers to your success. When you start to see delays, doubts and risk, be assured that negative influences are at work to defeat you. Your goals are what defines you. Making your own economy gives you the opportunity.

18 thoughts on “Make Your Own Economy!”

  1. Thanks for such a motivating post, Ed! I am a firm believer in maintaining a positive attitude and creating one’s own opportunities. I have found that sometimes the opportunity to thrive is sometimes right in front of those who venture far out to find it–for example, taking advantages of opportunities with current customers versus seeking out new ones. Stay positive, and you WILL build your own economy, that is a fact.

  2. Could be difficult to get advised persons about this topic, you be understood as you are aware of exactly what you are preaching about! Appreciate it

  3. You and I are singing from the same song sheet Makenzie. I’m too restless a guy to sit and wait for things to happen. Maybe we like control 🙂

  4. I need to say thank you a lot for your work you have made in writing this post. I am hoping the same most effective job from you in the future as well.

  5. “You can either let the economy happen to you, or you make your own economy and capture opportunities. I choose the latter.”

    And you are right! Creating your own system is rather better then participating in someone’s.

  6. Very inspirational post! The powers of positive thinking in conjunction with a well though out plan create a force that can power through any economy.

    As an SEO professional I’ve created my own economy by staying educated and working hard at my full-time SEO position and pulling in free-lance work on the side. I’ve found a lot of success despite the economy.

    I would suggest others do the same. Stay educated in your field, work hard, and consider side projects outside of your core employment. You’ll create a solid network and open doors to future positions while creating a portfolio of experience.

  7. This post really sums up what I say to my abundance coaching clients: we have the ability…and the responsibility…to create the perfect environment for our own success.

    Really appreciated your spin on it. Your voice is highly motivating and I’ll be coming back to your blog regularly now. Glad I found it!

    1. I’m glad you’ll be back Yiva. I love what you say to your coaching clients. You’re probaly like me and whince when people say, “this economy is killing me.” The truth is they’re killing themselves.

    1. I find that it’s a rare thing to find others who can actually help in your efforts. I typically have the best results from acting on my own initiative. I relish the fact that if I fail it’s me, if I succeed it’s me. It’s all about attitude and confidence.

  8. Nice one! Where else could I find article written in such incite full way. I love every bit of it especially the points that you expressed. Actually, I have your site bookmark to look for the latest blog you post. Keep sharing and looking forward to the next one!!!

  9. I really like your attitude here Ed, I am pretty early into my career and there is a lot I want to do and many ideas I have that I really feel could help me create my own economy, rather than just sticking to the 9-5 and slowly working my way up.

    I guess I am scared of the effort, commitment and the many barriers but I think once you make that positive decision to start, and maintain an attitude like yours, all those things I am worried about will seem far less scary! Thanks!

    1. It’s hard for all of us Bokkeeping. The trick is to keep focused on the positive. We all get low from time to time. When I find myself waning I start writing blog posts. That puts my mind back where it should be and off I go! Your right to say that having a focus takes away some of the fear. Confidence will keep you going.

      Have fun.

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