The Podcasting Economy is Emerging

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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When the iPod popularity exploded, an entire after-market industry/economy grew up around it. Entire companies (like this one and this one) exist simply to create products that feed Apple/iPod hunger. It happens with every industry.

Similar things are happenig with podcasting. As an example, writes (via Doc):

“I’m tellin ya, whoever can successfully market a podcast transciption web service will be livin large! Just how loud does the customer base need to be before someone jumps on this?”

I’m starting to see similar services popping up to feed the podcastinging economy. Not long ago, for example, Zane (Conference Calls Unlimited) added a service specifically for podcasters. And of course there are too many others to list. It suffices to say the really savvy and nimble companies/individuals make it a habit to:

  • a. look at what’s happening now.
  • b. predict what’s most likely to happen in the future.
  • c. put themselves on a track to get there before most everyone else.

Podcasting is just one example. What’s happening in your industry/profession and what are you doing to keep up with the trends?

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