This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.
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Now this might be fun (via Steve Rubel).
Cities fund, embrace blogs in marketing
“Milwaukee is one of several destinations trying to harness the blogosphere, a virtual universe laced with unvarnished, off-the-cuff comments produced by an estimated 12 million diarists. And rather than simply monitoring bloggers’ opinions, travel marketers are tapping them as paid evangelists.
“Last month, Pennsylvania’s tourism site,, launched six blogs written by “real people” taking road trips across the state. Accompanied by digital photos and videos, the diaries cover such diverse pursuits as antique shopping, mountain biking and attending a NASCAR event. The authors — a family of four, a history buff and a Harley-Davidson rider among them — receive $1,000 for each of three journeys they’ll write about this summer.”