How Solo Entrepreneurs Consume eBooks

While writing a post about ePub which is digital book format recently, I wondered how my peers like their eBooks. In online marketing, eBooks and eReports have existed for the longest time and they are almost always delivered in PDF format. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. PDF adoption rate is very high so it only makes sense to use a format most people will be able to read – or face a customer service nightmare. But in the more recent years with the proliferation of e-readers like the Kindle, Nook and now iPad, how many read their PDF’s using these devices?

So I sent the question out to my social network and was actually quite surprised by the response, which goes to show you should always find out from your audience. That’s another story altogether. For now, here’s what my peeps told me in response to the question,

Curious… do you read your PDF info-ebooks on phone, other mobile devices, on computer or do you print them?

@SmallBizMuse All three depending on the ebook. I print if I want to highlight/make notes. I load them onto my ipod to read on the go.

@Tsoniki Computer or print I have a lot printed out…but also a lot on the computer still. I’ve never tried reading on the BB.

@ToddBullivant Computer mostly, unless there’s an epub version available, then I read that on my e-reader.

@Merchant911 I almost always print e-books if more than a page or two.

@latarahamying I print them!

@401kExpert The good ones I print out and then hole-punch them. The rest I read on the computer.

Me? I print them too. I’ve tried reading them on a mobile device but PDF’s just don’t do too well on my devices and they have to be converted. That extra steps makes me very reluctant. Although I must say I devour fiction books on the mobile device. Love them. Business books are almost always printed.

What about you?

Oh and by the way – if you’d like to see your Twitter handle featured in a post in the future, be sure to follow us and keep an eye out for our pop quizzes and questions.

17 thoughts on “How Solo Entrepreneurs Consume eBooks”

  1. I’m basically attached to my computer almost all day, every day. I work in internet marketing/seo/website development for a day job then work on my own projects in the evening. So all of my ebooks are read on my computer. However if I have to travel for any reason then I’ll load them onto my iPod (unless I’m the one driving of course :P). I don’t travel very often though so that’s a bit of a rarity.

  2. I have also tried the pdf in the mobile, but not working good. But working all right in computer and pda. I think there should be something relted to pdf reader.

    1. I still think it’s the subject matter of the book. I could never get the hang of reading non-fiction books – books that help me learn something on an eReader or mobile device. It takes too much concentration and when I’m in a busy public place I just can’t get my mind to pay attention to what I’m reading. But when it comes to fiction. If it were not for ereaders, I would not have read so many fiction books.

  3. Now, this makes me wonder what the use of all those digital readers and paperless campaign if we end up printing them all. I guess, the reason here is our innate obsession with anything we can touch, flip, or anything as tangible as the first paper ever used 5,000 years ago. I’m guilty too. I print stuff I want to read and put it in a nice folder – the paper way.

  4. I’m surprised by the number of people that printed them! I figured that they’d read them on the computer or on a handheld device, but then.. I imagine you’re right and can imagine the screen being too small.

    1. I’ve seen the Kindle screen though and think it’s not too bad. Which is why some days I am kind of torn between getting the Kindle or an iPad which will do more but the iPad screen – well let’s be frank and honest here – is not exactly made for reading books.

  5. I was surprised to see how many people still print off their ebooks. I don’t think I have ever once printed an ebook in my life. I still use plain and simple PDF reader on my Macbook while I sit in a coffee shop or on the couch. I have absolutely no problem reading books on my laptop.

    1. You know, despite doing that myself, I too was surprised at the number of people who print them. That said, the stuff I do print aren’t usually novel length. I’d say around 30 odd pages. Longer usually gets red on the computer/laptop.

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