Hugh Talks “Global Microbrand”

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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It’s been said that a mark of intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas equally (or something like that). As an example, in Oct 2004, Hugh wrote Branding is Dead.

Later, he wrote:

"We have entered an age where anyone who wants to make a living above
minimum wage will have to get used to the idea of building and owning
their own "global microbrand". If you’re not blogging already, I would start. Seriously."

And most recently:

"It’s all about The Global Microbrand.
English Cut is my way of expressing it. But had it not been suits, had
I not had a friend who was a Savile Row tailor, it would’ve been
something else."

Bright guy. Seriously. Also check out his updated How to be Creative.

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