Fan Pages on Facebook: I Set Up Mine, Do You Have Yours?

Lastnight I stayed up late and finally set up my Facebook Fan Page.  It did take me a little longer than I had hoped but I know it will be well worth the effort.

You can Join our  Facebook Page Here

Facebook is the single biggest social networking site, in terms of number of users. It’s easy to use; you can easily separate business and personal ‘friends’ and it’s a wonderfully simple way to connect with your target audience on a regular basis and in a meaningful way.

However, in order to take advantage of all that Facebook offers, you may want to consider setting up a fan page.

What Is a Facebook Fan Page?

A Facebook fan page enables you to drive traffic to a unique place separate from your profile page. It enables you to post all of the information about your business including updates, promotions and events, links to your website and even content.

In fact, some people are foregoing a website all together and using a Facebook fan page as their primary business tool to represent them online. This isn’t necessarily a good idea because Facebook changes their rules often and if your fan page is your only online page then you may run into challenges in the future. However, as a supplemental marketing tool a Facebook fan page is an excellent way to build and grow your audience.

It allows you to customize it however you choose. You can add photos, discussion forums, micro-blogging, videos, events and a whole host of features and tools.

It provides you with the ability to instantly update your page.

You have access to the more than 300 million Facebook members. The “Fan” page means you gather fans rather than friends and this separation means you can send messages to your fans without updating your personal profile. It enables you the unique ability to separate personal and professional on Facebook – a feature many business owners are finding is very necessary.

A fan page enables you as a business owner to hold serious business discussions with interested, and qualified, prospects. It helps you build a community around your business, a vital tool to growing an online business.

Facebook fan pages also provide business owners with analytics and data so you can test and track responses and make educated decisions about your business and your social networking strategies.

And because Facebook has an API they’ve released to developers, there are a large number of people working on ways to expand the features, tools and usability of a fan page.

Facebook fan pages offer business owners a unique opportunity to create a web presence on a social networking website – a social networking website that’s presently the biggest in the world in terms of subscribers. It just makes good sense to tap into this market to build and grow your online business.

>> So please join us over at facebook, we’d love to connect with you there and let me know in the comments what your facebook page is and I’d love to fan you too! 🙂

8 thoughts on “Fan Pages on Facebook: I Set Up Mine, Do You Have Yours?”

    1. Great question Ed.. from what I understand the only real difference is that you can make a group “private.” But it’s easier for people to “fan” you on your page since it’s only one click as opposed to two. Which actually sounds terribly lazy. 😉

  1. Actually I’m working on our page,I was looking for some informations on how to set it and make so professional,I’d like to thank you about the approach.

  2. Hi Vera. Fan pages are great. We’ve just added a group for one of our sites and allow people to “Like” it directly from our sidebar. I have a feeling it will do very well, as people get more used to that “Like” button.

  3. I set up my business’s page under my personal page “Create a Page for My Business” but I’m concerned my business fans will be able to see into my personal account, which I obviously don’t want. I haven’t publicized my business page yet so I can change it if I need to set up a unique page. Help?!

  4. Hi Michelle, No. Fan pages are separate from personal account/stream BUT you must have an account to create a Fan page which means you need to log in under your own account and then create a Fan page. Once the Fan page is created it will have its own stream, it’s own everything that looks and behaves a lot like your personal account but there is no cross over.

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