5 Tell-Tale Signs That You’re A Bookshelf Brand

“A Bookshelf Brand” – it sounds like it might be a compliment doesn’t it? We might think that our bookshelf is where we keep our important stories and reference resources. I can see how one could think that way, but I’m referring to brands that are inactive for any reason. You might be a bookshelf brand if:

1: You have no idea what your brand values are, let alone understand whether management’s values compliment them or not.

2: You’ve actually gone through a branding process and the report is gathering dust on that bookshelf. You’re a planner not a doer.

3: You’re not actively marketing yourself whether that is online or off line. You allow your competition to define who you are.

4: You’re not controlling your brand image. No consistency in your image is costly and confusing.

5: You have no compelling story to tell. Your brand stands for nothing and just follows the lead of the competition. Lost in a sea of sameness.

The answer – Take those books off the shelf and get your brand happening. Tell a compelling story that will resonate with customers and get them to consider you beyond price. Stop thinking about branding and start doing something about it.

5 thoughts on “5 Tell-Tale Signs That You’re A Bookshelf Brand”

  1. Pingback: Served Fresh Media » A Talk Radio Show with You in Mind

  2. Agreed! Great brands get off the bookshelf and stand for something. Some even start a movement. They don’t worry about upsetting the status quo. And while they’re busy ‘campaigning’ they find that they’re building strong relationships (read: customers) based on a sense of shared interests at the same time.

  3. Richard Lupfer

    Jane’s comment is a great one! Isn’t it the “book” that spurs a new idea/path/way of thinking that is the book that gets passed around from friend to friend, makes the best sellers list, and has everyone talking? Don’t be afraid to step out and start or try something new in your career or life in general! Get that buzz going, and capitalize on it. New editions can be published any time!

  4. Thanks for carrying the analogy one step further Richard. Your advice is the difference between “a great book and a mediocre book.”

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