As an entrepreneur you may hear a lot about networking and wonder what all the hubbub is about. Networking, both online and off, is a wonderful way to build connections in your industry. It’s a great way to increase awareness for your business and to build your customer base and ultimately your profits.
And you probably know that already.
What you may not know is networking is also a great way to motivate yourself.
Networking exposes you to other business leaders, entrepreneurs and motivated individuals. Even if you don’t have a single competitive bone in your body, when you network online and offline, you’re going to be inspired by the energy, ideas and productivity you see in those around you. It’s actually a great reality check.
It gives you the unique ability to mingle with like-minded individuals who may have a different perspective, a different experience or a different story than you do and have achieved success.
Networking also forces you to stay on your game. If you’re putting forth the effort to network, and it’s recommended that you do, you’re going to have to be at your best. When you communicate with people, you want to put your best foot forward and make a positive impression. When people ask you what you do, you want to be ready, willing and able to give them an informational and inspirational elevator pitch.
Because you just never know when you’re going to meet your next great business partner, a superior customer or one of those coveted Paul Revere types of individuals who spreads news faster than CNN. Meet a Paul Revere type of individual, get them excited about your business, and you’ve just launched your business into a whole new game.
Networking is usually a scheduled event, so it accomplishes two things. It motivates you to be prepared before you head to the website or event. And it makes you put some serious thought into how you present yourself both online and off. Networking forces you to think about your business, where it’s going, what your future plans are, and how you want to be perceived.
For most people, networking with other successful people inspires their competitive spirit. We see other successful people and think, “If they can do that, so can I.â€Â We hear great ideas, product launches, marketing tactics and business strategies and we think, “I can do that better than they did!†or “I wonder if I can achieve more sales and profits than that?â€Â Competition is very motivating!
Finally, networking both online and off (though online networking can be done in your pajamas with unruly hair and unbrushed teeth) makes us feel and act more professionally. Though there are some people who forget that and behave badly online and off. For the most part, the simple act of being a professional makes us feel more professional. We start to feel less like a person who works at home in their pajamas and more like a business person, an entrepreneur, a CEO.
I find that networking also helps to keep you connected with your physical community. ie: Chamber events. It’s important to keeps the home fires burning.
I always find myself far more motivated after conference or networking session, where I talk with others in the industry.
You are right in sofar that networking is useful to get new ideas and make use of others resources (and being of use to them).
I think that you shouldn’t limit it to industry events because this only limits your view on things – you see what the competition does and probably jump onto the same waggon.
What i like to do is contrarian in sofar as i go for investigating trends that are not directly related to my business and then integrate my findings into my business.
Don’t do what the competition is doing – be contrarian
Hope i made myself clear – a little difficult to explain 🙂
Yes, and it keeps your mind on/in your business. Networking can’t be over-estimated.
You’re absolutely right about this and it’s something I hadn’t really thought about. But when I do think about it I realize that most of my peak moments of motivation have happened right after I saw someone else being successful at something that I think I could do too. Just talking to people about what they’re doing and how they’re doing it is sometimes enough to say to yourself “Hey, I could do that too and I could probably do it better!” and that’s when I really spring to action. Thanks for making me realize that. -Josh
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Expanding the circle brings new ideas and ways of thinking, keeps us fresh and challenged. Thanks for your post.
I find that in some cases attending networking events can be a HUGE waste of time…..BUT if you target the right networking group, you can meet good leads. In Northern VA we have BNI groups and they seem to always keep busy. I have attended several functions but I haven’t had much luck. So I ended up hosting my own networking events with the people that I know and they always end up bringing people with them which helps in the lead sharing.
Advertising and marketing your company is not just about getting a website online and running a $200.00 ad in the local paper. If customers can’t find your website and their friends are all talking about your competitions sales and their websites then having your site is useless. With today’s technology there are many ways to advertise your website or your company without investing a small fortune that most small businesses can’t afford to begin with. You can begin by visiting websites just like this one and many more just like it and reading their ideas that they have on survival of Small Businesses. Then you can take what you have learned and apply it to your specific needs. There’s no sure fire way to advertise your company because every one of them have different needs what works for one may not work for the other. What one business can afford to spend the other may have to wait for a big sale or something to have the revenue to do. You have to be willing to invest your time into researching yourself what will be the best strategy for your small business.
With today’s slow economy small business are hurting everywhere. I heard about a statement made from a noted Financial Adviser and he stated that most small businesses are cutting back and the first thing they cut back on is advertising. Wrong! That could prove to be a fatal mistake! Most businesses are offering bigger and better deals every day because they too are hurting and the best way to survive is to keep your name in the public eye. So therefore advertising should be one of the last items to scale down. Make sense to me.
I always find myself far more motivated after conference or networking session, where I talk with others in the industry.