You have worked hard to build your blog audience. It may be an extension of your online business. The blog is where customers and other visitors can pick your brain and find out about products and so forth. Maybe it’s time to branch out and ask others to post to give your readers some variety.
Variety is the spice of life they say. If you have gained a following on your blog, the readers more than likely love your voice. But, other bloggers can add another dimension to your site. Here is an example.
Let’s say that you have an online craft business. You have expertise in the field, but maybe you want to expand your knowledge base into other aspects of crafting. Having followed other blogs, you have found sites that specialize in things like doll making, miniature building and the like. Asking them to blog for you can be just what you need.
You can gain the knowledge you seek from your guest blogger. Come up with a list of possible post topics for them to write on. Each one can cover a topic you wish to learn more about. If you don’t know what topics to choose, take a poll on your blog to see what devoted readers want to learn more about themselves.
With ideas in hand, the next thing to do is choose a guest blogger. You can decide on more than one if you like. However, if this is your first time, I suggest inviting just one to see how they work out and how your audience reacts to their posts. Here are a few tips for you to proceed:
• Choose someone in a similar but non-competing position.
• Be sure they run an honest blog or business (not the antagonistic type, always causing controversy).
• Check to see if the potential guest has positive feedback from their own readers.
• Find someone whose style you are familiar with and like.
• If you’re giving them topics, they should agree to write about (and have some knowledge on) the topics you choose.
You don’t want any surprises here. Anyone blogging for you is attached to your reputation. They may be well-known in some circles, but not necessarily to your readership. By letting them post, you are telling your fans that they are okay. Remember your readers already trust you, don’t give them a reason to stop now.
Some people don’t think about that crucial point. Let’s say that your writer wants to write on their choice of topics. Something they say elicits negative comments from your readers. As a result, your readers may become leery of your judgment and leave the blog.
It won’t happen all at once like that, but it can happen. One way to head off such a potential problem is to let your guest writers upload their posts to have them published pending your administrative review. Don’t just give them free reign to go in and publish their posts immediately. Take the time to read over what they have written before you put it out there for the world to see.
Having others guest blog for you is a great way to give readers a treat. Just be sure the writers you choose are worthy of your audience.
Such great ideas. It can be hard to maintain the momentum with blogging especially when there is so much else to do in your business. A guest blogger can give you a kick start and add some credibility to your business.
You could also allow them some links back to their site within the blog as an incentive.
people don’t understand how hard bloggin actually is