SBB Small Spark Challenge 2010: Guest Blogging Can Sap Your Energy if You’re Not Careful

Guest blogging means that you are writing blog posts for someone else. It may be that they asked you to do it and they are paying you. Or you are living out your dream of writing for a high-profile blogger who can get you noticed. Either way, blogging for others can become a drain on the creative juices.

There are advantages to writing blog posts for others:

•    Exposure (the good kind)
•    Name and brand recognition
•    Business opportunity
•    Chance to write on new topics

This is only a few of the reasons. But, when you decide to guest blog, be sure that there is time in your schedule to do it. As a business owner or the owner of a blog, you already have a long list of responsibilities.

If you are a parent with an online business, you are also juggling family life. Blogging can take a lot out of you. It is not easy to call up those creative urges on demand. With your own blog, you are familiar with the niche enough that you can write intelligently with minimal research if you needed to.

For guest blogging, you have to bring your “A” game. First of all, you are trying to make an impression on the owner. You do want to be invited back don’t you? Getting a sense of another’s “voice” does take practice. If they give you a list of the types of topics they would like you to talk about, you have to have time to do the preparation.

Keep Everything Balanced

While guest blogging is important for the four reasons listed at the beginning, so is your business. With so much time going into the posts for another, your own work can suffer if you’re not mindful. Your own readers and clients won’t let that slide and they shouldn’t have to either.

If you decide to endeavor into guest blogging, remember a few things:

•    Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Keep your posts at a manageable number.
•    Don’t commit to more than one blog at a time.
•    Schedule time to write your posts and those for the guest blog (you may need to let your blog go for a couple of days in order to write enough posts to schedule for the weeks you will be blogging elsewhere.)

If you want to guest blog, go ahead. It’s a great way to stretch your writing muscles. But, while you are stretching, don’t overextend or your visitors may feel the pain.

3 thoughts on “SBB Small Spark Challenge 2010: Guest Blogging Can Sap Your Energy if You’re Not Careful”

  1. Vera,
    Fantastic and balanced post here. What I have noticed is that every crown has a price. Visibility and getting attention through guest posting is a reward but like you said, balance i simportant. Thanks for this

  2. This is a good post and informative for new comers.

    Guest blogging is a great way to get noticed and bring attention to your own blog.

    Just make sure you have the time and do not neglect your own blog.

  3. Oh I agree wholeheartedly. If you have an idea of writing a blog, you had better get your creative spirit in over drive. It is hard work when you have been busy living your life and then you are often writing it. Exhausting. !

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