I’ve Hit The Big Time

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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Well, sort of. I made my way to Borders tonight. While there, I picked up the June edition of Entrepreneur Magazine. And right there on page 97 – in big, bold, red letters – was smallbusinessbranding, chosen as one of the "cream of the crop" marketing blogs. The other two fine blogs mentioned are John and Paul’s Brand Autopsy and MarketingVox. Needless to say, I’m in very, very good company.

You can find the article online at the Entrepreneur Magazine site. A special thank you to Gwen Moran, who wrote the piece. Here’s her take on smallbusinessbranding:

"Although it bills itself as
part website, part blog, it’s really more of the latter, with great
content that doesn’t just take marketing advice at face value. Every
small business will find some take-away value."

Truth be told, I knew about the article before I went to Borders tonight. It showed up in the stats of my blog. But I had to see it in print. I look forward to the day when occurrences like these will be no big deal. For now though, I’m downright excited.

And all because I write a blog. Do you get it?

By the way, Gwen Moran writes more than just biz articles. Check out her very funny Life As I Know It column, "a no-holds-barred look at parenthood, family life and career – and the
silly notion that anyone can combine all of them without guilt,
wrinkled clothing, or Paxil."

(And Gwen, dear, I wish you had a blog.)

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