“Our People Make The Difference” Is Not A Differentiator

Frankly – you’re greater than that!

brandleaderIn my Brand Consulting side of things, “Our people make the difference” is the by far the most common answer to my question – “Exactly what is it that makes you different from your competition?” Let’s be honest every company’s employee pool has talent and they do a great job making their products great. You have to dig deeper and pull out something more compelling that makes you the leader. You’ve got to be the first to market with this powerful position and you have to deliver it is such a way that your target audience see’s your company as the only alternative.

Simple eh?

The fact is we can achieve this goal is several different ways. We can look long and hard and see how the delivery of the product can be facilitated whereby the client experience’s is an overwhelming difference from how it is typically delivered within your industry. Let’s say you are a burger joint. EVERYBODY follows the McDonald’s standard of a graphic menu board above and behind the counter. Is there another way that is bolder, better and ground-breaking? Look at your burger joint from a new perspective.

What if your product is a medical service? Lot’s of compliances right? Sure the public has to be safe. Well what if you went one better? What if you developed your own compliance? Name it and promote it as your own. Make sure that it’s progressive and bold. So bold that the competition probably thinks your crazy to adhere to it. Crazy genius I’m thinking.

I call these solutions Positioning Strategies and most companies don’t employ them. Most companies employ slogans. When was the last time a slogan compelled you to act? I’ll bet your thinking hard about that aren’t you? Remember when the iPhone came out? It was the only smart phone offering “apps”. That and the touch screen quickly made it a leading contender in what seemed a saturated cell phone market. A compelling reason to buy, actually created a brand-new category. This is not beyond what you are also capable of. You don’t need Apple’s deep pockets either – you only need the innovation of Apple’s entrepreneurial spirit.

In my consulting service I get the best results from decisive and bold thinkers. If this is you, then you are sitting on just what it takes to deliver a positioning strategy that not only compels your target audience but will re-invigorate your staff and other stake holders.

The only person that can truly make a difference is YOU – if you are willing to grab the gold within you.

16 thoughts on ““Our People Make The Difference” Is Not A Differentiator”

  1. I think the term “new perspective” is key here. With so much competition around, the only way to really create a strong brand is if your potential customers see you or your services from a new perspective. Doing the same thing again can actually be counter productive as people will think of other brands as well along with yours.

  2. You’re second point may also be right, but never fear competition. Be thankful customers are aware of everybody. It only helps to differentiate yourself more when they recognize the difference. Even that the perception of you is different they will investigate regardless to be sure of your difference. Not many shop blindly these days.

  3. Online Business Cookbook

    Thats funny. Our local grocery store has that exact slogan and their people are “different” for sure. The service is not that great and the slogan seems to work in reverse when comparing it to the actual experience. I like the idea of creating a unique compliance and over delivering on it – so to speak. It is easier blogged about than done I must say!

  4. I agree that there are so many strategies and the problem is that you can check them only by using them. There are no reliable books or resources about that because Google is changing rules almost every year. Because of that web marketing is still one of the most slippery branches in IT world.

  5. I agree with the fact that we have to come out bold and face competition by doing something extra. It is that something extra that makes our services differ from that of our competitors and makes us gain more clients

  6. i believe the slogans we use can also attract many people to us. But we should be able to provide services that match our slogan, else we might end up losing those who got attracted by our slogans

  7. Online: Everything is easier said than done isn’t it? Don’t shy from things that are difficult. Following takes effort as well, I’m suggesting you apply that effort in directions that REALLY do differentiate yourself.

    I love how small businesses state over and over that “service” is their big thing. But if you look at them objectively, taking a customer’s money and wishing them a great day with a smile isn’t top drawer service. Many businesses don’t even try to build a relationship.

    The biggest effort they extend is explaining to the world why it is that they can’t do something and blaming it on everything but themselves. The economy is a great scape goat.

    I use a positioning strategy based on differentiation every day in my world and many times I am competing against free and win.

  8. I agree, every customer of mine always starts out with “our customer service is our key difference, or its our people”. They say that because they never really thought about what sets their company apart from their competition, not in an analytical type of way.

  9. It’s the easy differentiator isn’t it? When all else fails it’s “our people that make the difference.” I hope they are that grateful to their employees when raise time comes along.

  10. “Our People Make The Difference”– so true.

    It’s the employee or people behind the company whom we should give the compliment behind the success of every company. Success of one business are not always because of the owner, it’s because of the people behind it. Without these people, great-minded owner would be nothing.

  11. Don’t forget it took a true visionary to know which great people to make part of their team and also to recognize the direction that they all take together. A great owner motivates and inspires greatness.

  12. Now this is what i call blog! a very interesting topic to discuss.. “Our people makes the difference” Literally, yes! But, what is the very reason why your company becomes more better than your competitors? hhmm..

    I guess this is going to be a little bit contradicting to our title. but, this is a comment right? I think and i believe that the main recipe for a success of a company is leverage. A single entity with a lot of leverage will be considered as an asset to the company. It is not mainly the guy you hire right? its their skills.. their capability to work smart and hard at the same time.

    I remember on my first year of teaching at FEATI University the Dean of college of engineering told me. “My son, always remember not just to teach, teach right!” its a diversification against ignorance. That makes sense if you know what you are doing. All in all, it is the process and recipe who makes the entire company and not just the people alone. do you wonder why there are company policy? job descriptions? tell me 😀

  13. I don’t think there is any contradiction to the blog title in your comment Rikvin. I think that you agree, that a brand goes beyond simply the people, but rather it’s what the people bring to the relationship with the customer. Value added.

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