This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.
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I just finished a great conversation with Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff for their Conversations With Experts audio series. It was a lot of fun. If you were on the call, I hope I was able to provide some value for you. If you missed it, you can get the recording here.
In any event, one of the questions was: "What is RSS?"
RSS is Real Simple Syndication. Basically, the way it works is when I hit the button to post this entry, it goes out to anyone who has subscribed to my RSS feed. You’ll see my various feeds just to the left.
If, for example, you click on Add me to Bloglines, you’ll be able to get all my posts via bloglines, which is what’s known as a news aggregator.
I love Bloglines. It allows me to keep up with about 100 blogs without having to go to each one individually. In the dirt world, it would be like having all the major newspapers delivered right to your breakfast table in the morning without you having to even go outside to get them. If you find a blog you like, simply add the feed to your bloglines account.
That’s the beauty of RSS – you can pull the content you want to you without all the spam and crap that comes through email. More and more content is being made available via RSS each day, even the New York Times now publishes RSS feeds. It’s the only way to fly.