Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to make a living. Finding and promoting products you believe in can earn enough to make it possible to work from home or your moneymaking website can be a source of extra money to save, spend on travel or whatever your heart desires. And of course, the more affiliate sales you make, the better. Let’s take a look at a few ways you can make more affiliate sales.
#1 Consistently publish content. Whether you have a blog or a website, the key to drawing attention and earning top page ranking is through content. It’s also the best way to ‘presell’ which we’ll get into next. So what type of content can you publish? Here are just a few options:
* Autoresponders.
* E-newsletters.
* Blogs posts
* Social networking via forums, social networking sites, and chat rooms
* Articles
* Press releases
* Reports
* Ebooks
* Reviews
* Audio and video posts
* Ecourses
* Workbooks
The list could go on and on…
Step Two – Network. Networking, online and off, is a great way to spread the word about your business. Social networking in particular can be extremely effective for sharing your unique knowledge and expertise. You’ll drive more traffic to your website and thus increase your affiliate sales.
Step Three – Pre-sell. Your job as an affiliate is to pre-sell. That means you don’t have to give the heavy pitch just sharing information is enough. In fact, blatantly selling on your website may actually decrease your affiliate sales. Pre-sell by writing articles, courses, reviews, blog posts and other valuable and informative content about the products you have chosen to represent.
Step Four – Chose your affiliate products carefully. You not only want to choose quality products, you also want to choose products that have a good conversion rate. If you’re working hard to send traffic to their sales page, you deserve a sales page that converts. This leads to the next step.
Step Five – Track and test. Tracking and testing not only who comes to your site but how many conversion you make with each product and each promotion and/or marketing tool is the only way to ensure you make money and continue to increase your affiliate sales.
Finally, look for unique affiliate products and/or complimentary affiliate products. For example, if you’re an affiliate for a pet training business, a complimentary affiliate product might be pet training tools.
Being an affiliate can be a fantastic way to make a living and increasing your affiliate sales makes it all the more enjoyable. Creating your content is only the beginning, look for ways to broaden awareness of your website through networking and other internet marketing strategies, presell your products and share your knowledge and expertise with others.
This is what I am looking for! #1 Consistently publish content. It is hard to create attractive content. I have hundreds of visitors every day but have very limited commition. So thanks for this great post!
You are right. With above tips we can make more affiliate sales. Specially by good product reviewing we can boost our sales. Nice and valuable post. Thanks.