When you think about running shoes, you probably have a company that comes to mind. Think about soda pop and another company comes to mind. This is because some companies are great at creating superior brand recognition. They’re the first place you think of and the first place you go when you need what they sell. Positioning your company, building brand recognition, is a very profitable strategy.
Here are a few tips and strategies to boost your company’s brand recognition:
#1 Provide an exceptional customer experience. Treating your website visitors and customers like gold is a great way to motivate them to remember you and think of you first whenever they have a need. It also boosts word of mouth and that’s a very powerful tool. Remember that an exceptional customer experience begins the moment your prospect lands on your website and doesn’t stop. It’s good customer service, and a wonderful product or service too.
#2 Interact. People don’t know who you are unless they’ve been exposed to you. Experts say that people need at least three exposures to a brand before they remember it, which means you need to be out interacting online with your prospects and customers to make sure they know you. This is what makes social media such a powerful tool. Three positive interactions with a prospect create brand recognition and social media opens you and your company up to thousands of potential prospects.
Blogging, guest blogging, publication, press and publicity, and advertising all help to build brand awareness and recognition. Make sure they’re an integral part of your marketing strategy.
#3 Offer value. Share knowledge and industry information with your prospects. Articles, reports, published books, and white papers all help establish brand credibility in your industry. And credibility translates into recognition. You know Donald Trump is an expert in commercial real estate because he’s published, and the guy gets a lot of press and publicity.
#4 Be consistent. Use your logo, colors and graphics consistently throughout your web content, marketing materials and communications. Create a theme and an image you want to portray and stick to it so prospects and customers can begin to recognize you.
As a successful internet marketer and business owner, branding and brand recognition plays a critical role in your overall marketing strategy. Brand boosting tactics, designed to increase familiarity, result in awareness, trust, and ultimately purchases. Boosting your brand recognition is a profitable business strategy.
Great stuff Vera. I definitely agree that building brand awareness online includes publishing your content in as many places as you can. It can be difficult to find time to write guest posts but I think they are well worth it.
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I think the ideal way to boost brand identity is to make a promise and back it up. That’s it.
thanks for you posting. but I think that we need to make a plan and spend much time and money on Propaganda.