Business Bartering – It’s A Whole New World

stressedRecently as you may know this site here literally flaked out on me.  It didn’t matter which link you clicked on the home page it brought you back to the home page.

It was rather frustrating for me because it wasn’t something easy for me to fix and the theme has been very finicky since I started using it. I’ve tried adding code to the sidebar at times and the sidebar ends up at the footer, not cool. So, I’ve wanted to change the theme for a  long time, something ever so simple and quick to pop in and out of to make my changes .

Due to prior committments, I just don’t have the cash flow that I’d like at the moment and can’t warrant paying for a new theme. I paid some good cash for this theme here, it’s a beautiful theme but I think it needs someone who is a bit more technical than me.  I plan to go to a regular theme that is super easy to work with, but at the same time can be customized the way I like.

Then came my big idea…..

This may not be a huge revelation or anything to you but I decided maybe I should bartar with someone on this. I could get my brand new theme that’s super easy to use and I could offer something back. Bartering is a great way to exchange expertise and have a happy end result for both parties.

Right at the same time of my site problems, my friend Angela Wills was putting on a sale for blog design. I’m a huge fan of Angela’s (we got to have breakfast together when I was living in  Toronto last year).  I think she’s one of the most down to earth people I’ve ever met.

I was able to shoot Angela an email about the bartering idea. I proposed that if she could handle the re-design of this site, then I would give her good exposure here at the site. So watch out for things to come with Angela, you’re going to get to know her really well. 🙂 Trust me, you’re gonna love her like I do.

The best part about bartering with Angela is that she is a true professional, and just because we know eachother personally it won’t affect the business barter we have in place. I know 100% that she will give me everything she’s got and then some. I’m really looking forward to this experience, and I’m looking to barter more in the future. Angela is not currently open to any bartering deals as she is busy with her client work load right now, but maybe there’s other people out there who have skills to re-create your blog site.

Actually now that I think of it, if you would like to barter with anyone, please post in the comments here what you have to offer. Maybe you’ll be able to get some things done for your business without costing you even a penny. 🙂

Let the bartering begin!
PS. If you’d like to hire Angela for Blog Design she’s extending a special for SBB Readers at $100 off, if you’re interested, just send her an email at angela @ 🙂

10 thoughts on “Business Bartering – It’s A Whole New World”

  1. Bartering for a new web design is such a good idea, I used to spend hours upon hours pulling my hair out because I didn’t know how to write the code for a professional website, until I found this great service, called it is an amazing online bartering site, where you can barter your services, goods and even real estate. I bartered my accounting skills for a beautiful web design, so it was really a win-win situation for both of us.

  2. Bartering is an excellent strategy; especially because of the long term benefits. Vera can have an ongoing interaction with Angela that could blossom into an important b2b relationship. This contrast from a sale which is often finished once the service/goods have been paid for.

    Chris O.
    Referral Key
    “Small Business Referrals”

  3. There are formal barter exchanges that facilitate trades between barter members. Instead of a one-to-one barter, you can barter with any member of the exchange. I have always been a proponent of barter and have been a barter member of several exchanges for many years. Any Canadians interested in barter, feel free to contact me. It is indeed a win-win situation. I have used to pay for wine, drycleaning, restaurant, hair salon, ……..

  4. This is a brilliant idea and would probably be good to implement across the board in many cases. Lately I’ve seen too many cases where companies want my services, yet don’t have the money to pay for it, and this would be a great way to work things out. I’m definitely for it.

  5. Looking Good!Change is always appreciated, as long as core values don`t. You haven`t lost what your message is all about! Again congratulations!

  6. bartering is acutall yhow business started. Before we had money (in todays terms) we bartered. Exchanging food for firewood or an animal skin was day to day behaviour in the really old times.
    Todays difficult econmic situation has restarted the exchange of goods and services again (see you example). It makes sense for the individual, but not for the economy as a whole which relies on money to fuel ggrowth tto businesses.
    Also you could get into a difficult situation declaring a barter trade to your tax authorities, because you have to value it somehow. As a business you usually cannot give a way a good or service below cost. It is also difficult when something goes wrong and you want to have a refund 🙂 (how does a refund work with bartering? I don’t know)

  7. Hey Vera, that’s good thinking outside the box. Bartering is especially useful when money is tight. A buddy of mine just traded his motorcycle to an electrician in exchange for doing a good deal of electrical work in his house. Both sides came away happy.

  8. Definitely a good idea when you are just starting out or are short of cash. Are you aware of any websites that help broker this process? Its tough and time consuming to find a bartering partner.

  9. I just love bartering! I first learned about it when I was more heavily involved with MomPacks. Although as your other commenter says, we did start out this way in the beginning. I hadn’t thought of it for online business until I’d seen others do it.

    My husband even does it, though, as a residential contractor. We have bartered his services for everything from dental work to glasses to cars!

    It’s a win-win for both parties!

  10. Seattle Architects

    A former employer did a lot of bartering until he found out about the tax consequences. Apparently the bartered amount is not tax free. Consult your accountant before you try this to get the facts.

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