Long Weekend Reading, Action, and Fun

When all of my work is done today, I plan to have some fun visiting places that I truly love to go on the internet. I always learn something new, or think on things that I’m currently doing in my business. This free time for me leads to a break from my work. I’ll most likely be spending less time on the internet over this coming Easter Weekend.


1) I’ll be sure to head over to Clicknewz.com. Lynn Terry is FAB! I love what this woman stands for and she shows us all the time that she’s got guts. Lynn is very refreshing and l look forward to seeing what she about internet marketing over at her blog.

2) I’ll be checking out Lynette’s Tech Based Marketing this week because I love how she keeps me up to date on all the gadgets, plugins, and wonders of the internet world.

3) I’m going to also read over at Darren’s Problogger.net to see what’s happening with his 30 day challenge to a better blog. I haven’t officially started it yet, so I’ll be doing a few days at once.


1) I’ll be finishing up one of my latest projects which is totally going to rock! I’m so happy about this new site, I’ll be sharing the details of it really soon. But it is service based and will help alot of people with their websites.

2) I plan to actually DO the challenge that Darren has going (#3 above) so that I can make a Better Blog! I’m interested to see how it changes this blog. I’ll also be looking towards the new re-design of this site, it’s not exactly what I want so I’ll be tweaking it again soon.

3) I think that’s enough ACTION on a weekend that I plan not to be online very much. I may twitter a bit. You can follow me on twitter here.


1) If you read my post recently about my daughter and how I was working through this journey, you’ll realize that we need to kick up our heels and have some fun. We managed to get out to the beach this week and I’m looking forward to spending more times with my family. It’s been difficult to get out since my daughters transplant is not that long ago, she’s only been home from the hospital for a few weeks now.

2) It’s my husband Leo’s birthday this weekend so we’re having family over to celebrate. There are also 2 other birthday’s that we’re celebrating so it’s going to be a family party at our house. 🙂

3) I’m sure I’ll think of other things to do, life’s not all about work right? If you follow me on twitter you saw how I had a can of diet pepsi and ate a coffee crisp… oh my! I even took pics of them for fun, yep I was in a silly mood that day. In my goofy mood, I invited people to come and listen to me over at Ustream, it was a bit of rambling but we had fun, I think in future I’ll be using this service, it was a blast!

I’m also getting a new twitter background made by Nola Cooper who did the logo here for SBB. I highly recommend her Club by the way, the prices are low and her graphics are beautiful! She also has a schedule of free items that I get each month, love it!

I think that’s it. I’m looking forward to a great weekend which will be very productive since I’m on very limited computer time. 😉

What are your plans this long weekend?

Coffee Crisp

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