More Podcasts Are Coming Up – In the Meantime Enjoy A Smiley Guy

Podcasting Fun

The one thing I love to do is get on the phone and interview people about their business. I was speaking recently about Tooting your own Horn in business so I’m going to do just that. I have more podcasts coming up and I was bold enough to invite one of my clients from to do an interview with me.

I do have something to admit, I’ve known this client for a few years so this is not completely something that was all that uncomfortable for me. But I asked her questions on why she uses my services, but best of all she comes up with ideas that you can use for yourself. Most of the interview is pure content.

That interview is coming up next. 🙂

I just have to edit it and get it up on the site. In the meantime, enjoy my fun smiley face, I love this picture! Anything to bring a smile to someone’s face today.

3 thoughts on “More Podcasts Are Coming Up – In the Meantime Enjoy A Smiley Guy”

  1. JR – Yes I love that image, so fun and crisp. Plus, I needed a good smiley face on the site.

    FER – You can do your interviews alot of different ways, for the upcoming interviews I’m using I have used Pamela to record Skype calls but I’ve never got it right for the quality myself. AA is a much easier solution and is more of a no brainer.

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