Get Some Fresh Energy with Blog Energizer!

Blog Energizer

Well I have to say I’ve been chatting a ton about blogging and why it’s so important for me to hone my skill with it all. Lynette Chandler has now brought us Blog Energizer, she’s simply amazing with her knowledge about blogging. The cool thing is that you can grab a free account and get some pretty neat things for your blogging efforts, I’m looking forward to also using some of her resources.

One challenge we all face is adding fresh content to our sites and having our visitors happy to check us out on a regular basis, Lynette takes all the roadblocks away for us.

Here’s what she gives us:

– places where we can be guest bloggers

– free goodies you can give to your readers to keep them coming back

– people who want to promote your products

– activities you can give out to have people happy with your blog

You can sign up for your Free Account Here.

6 thoughts on “Get Some Fresh Energy with Blog Energizer!”

  1. Haven’t signed up for Blog Energizer yet, but wanted to mention that the free reports she gave to her list were a goldmine of useful information. I expect Blog Energizer to be of similar or even higher quality. Good luck to Lynette.

  2. I just started a blog and facebook page. Information to help me get started is really appreciated. I just downloaded the free tips and am looking forward to using them.

  3. Santa – I totally agree, I haven’t printed anything out yet but I did sign up and will get some planning done for the new year, it’s important to be ahead of your blog posting, makes life a ton easier.

  4. I will also try it out. It can’t hurt 🙂 But sometime i think I’m using too many tools, maybe less and those better would be more efficiently.

  5. It really looks very interesting and useful. I will give it a try for sure. We always have some negative and bad periods when we can’t find ideas for blogging, so i site like Blog Energizer should be used to solve the problem with creativity.

  6. verzi – I think certain tools are good and that’s why I only promote those that I personally use and stand behind. You can get bogged down so quickly with what’s out there.

    Jessica – Yes, I too get stuck on what to blog about sometimes. But my main focus using Blog Energizer is to plan ahead for my posts and get more scheduled with them.

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