This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.
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In my last post, I mentioned one customer’s memorable experience with an airline. In this post, Ben McConnell (Church of the Customer) talks briefly about his near flawless experience with his new Apple Powerbook.
"Is there a technology company today with more beautifully executed experiential marketing than Apple? I don’t think so."
The iPod has really made Apple a mainstream brand over the last couple of years. But, as Ben describes, Apple is so much more than iPod and iTunes. From start to finish, Apple is an experience to remember. And that is, perhaps, why the company’s stock has quadrupled in the past year.
Is your company an experience to remember?
Thanks Ben. My next computer may be an Apple. BTW, Ben is co-author of Creating Customer Evangelists, a book I’m currently reading. I highly recommend it.
I’ve always thought Apple was the perfect brand. So much more than a computer, an mp3 player or a free media player. Apple is an entire experience.
Call me an Apple fanboy, but when things just WORK you can’t turn back.
Oh that MY brand would be as recognizable, and the experience my clients have is just as effective.