This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.
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Podcasting is on the move. If you’re not into it yet, you should be. Start by reading T. L. Pakii Pierce’s excellent post here. I’m thoroughly impressed with TL. He gets it.
"I’m telling you here and now that you must start thinking relationship ==> reputation ==> revenue as your model of growing income through social markets."
After that, read Wired’s latest piece on the subject here.
"Several US public radio stations, as well as the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation and the BBC, are experimenting with the medium. Even beer
megacorp Heineken is getting in on the action. The brewer has started
making podcasts of popular DJs available on its Web site as part of a
promotional campaign. Given that podcasting didn’t exist nine months
ago, this adoption curve is impressive. Podcasting – unregulated,
low-cost, on-demand radio – is heading for a tipping point."
Finally, to see how it all started and where it’s heading, check out this post from Evan Williams.
"I’m super-excited to see where this goes. Podcasting is going to be
freakin’ huge. I don’t have time in this post, because it’s 2am and I
gotta be on stage at 8am, to give my pitch for why. But it’s the same
story as blogging (with several unique charastics of its own), but in a
whole new medium that is much bigger than people think. And it’ll
happen much, much faster."It’s about personal media, time-shifting, and the long, long tail. And I love that shit. Amazing things are going to be created."
Early adopters, are you listening?