Yaro Starak (the previous owner of this blog) is launching his Blog Mastermind Program. I’ve been listening to his program via the IRiver I received from him in the mail a while ago. I have to be honest to say that I have listened to only a few of the audios as I’ve been busy taking other courses which I’m sure I’ll share here as well.
The one thing I noticed with Yaro is that he has a relaxed voice so it makes it easy to learn from him. I even took him to the gym and it actually motivated me to stay a bit longer on the machines (weird, I really hate exercise). The funny part was I was working my butt off in the gym I was listening to his interview with Darren Rowse from Problogger, and as I’m listening in the audio was probably half way in I realized that it was Brian Clark from Copyblogger he was speaking with. Talk about throwing me for a loop! I was wondering where Darren’s accent was. 🙂
Anyhow, I’ll be follwing Yaro’s launch for his program since I’m taking one audio at a time from it to learn more about correcting my blogs, building traffic, and best of all making more money from them.
Recently Yaro interviewed a Million Dollar Blogger Alborz Fallah, he’s also one of Yaro’s students. Apparently his blog is valued at $5 Million Dollars (he also got some key investors), which does seem a bit hard to believe, but knowing what I paid for this blog it doesn’t all that surprise me. Would be cool to own a blog worth that much!
I figured we could all learn a few things about blogging from these 2 people who are changing the internet business world. I’ll be cozying up after the kids go to bed to listen in, I’m really looking forward to some good tips to apply to my own blog and hopefully it will help you with yours as well.