PR Rule #1 – What’s the F’n Story

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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Disclaimer: I’m not a PR Guy, and I don’t profess to know all that much about PR.

I do, however, read a lot. Online mostly. And I see a lost of press releases pass my computer screen.

Many of them are not press worthy. Why would a reporter want to do a story about another "Life Coaching Service Launches Online?"

Why would a reporter want to do a story about anything launching online nowadays? It’s not an f’n story.

Press releases are for alerting the media to an INTERESTING STORY. Something their readers would want to read about. A press release is not about you promoting your business.

This might be an interesting story:Britney Spears Caught Using Hypnotic Selling in TV Ad

This might be an interesting story: Savile Row Tailor Sells $3000 Custom Suits Via Hot New Online Medium.

Before you send out another boring press release, consider reading something from one of these three PR savvy women:

  1. B.L. Ochman
  2. Marcia Yudkin
  3. Joan Stewart
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