There are many things happening behind the scenes here at Small Business Branding. The main topic on my mind over this weekend is choosing the music for the new podcast.

I’m very funny with these things, I can churn things out pretty darn quick (you can just ask Ed ;-)) but the one thing I always sit and ponder over is the BEST picture to portray my thoughts for an article, and the BEST music for our new podcast.
I’ve been over at all week trying to find the most suitable music for the new show. If you’re looking to start a podcast for your business, this is a great place to get some music.
So far here are the ones that I like:
progress express
the leaders
effortless mastery
shared vision
corporate progress
I’d love to hear YOUR feedback because I have a feeling my brain may turn to mush on this one. 😉
You are a whirlwind Vera. Nice music site and the prices are reasonable too. i tried to find the tunes you liked, but a search at the site wasn’t very helpful.
Hey Ed, if you go to the site and select “mp3” first and then put the words into the search box they will come up. Let me know what you think. Thanks! And that’s an interesting description of me. lol.
I really like the Corporate Express clip. Very professional sounding yet upbeat to get your listeners moving 🙂
Thanks Christina, do you like the Corporate Progress, or Progress Express, I think you got them mixed up. 🙂