Passion is one of those potentially arbitrary words that is difficult to define. Passion, as defined by the dictionary, is “a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.â€
Having passion for your business is critical to your success. Why? Without passion and enjoyment for your business you won’t be motivated to make it the best company it can be. Sadly your customers will get very bored of you and what you have to offer.
Without passion and joy for the work that you do, it’ll show in your company’s personality and have a direct effect on your branding. Yes, passion for your business is that important.
So the question is, do you have passion for your business? Do you get up most mornings looking forward to your day? If the answer is no, if you’re finding that you’re lacking passion and joy for your business consider a few options.
If there is no passion, you need to make changes…
1. Eliminate The Tasks That Drive You Mad
Make a list of the current work related activities you do enjoy and find pleasure in. Now make a list of the work related tasks you don’t enjoy. The tasks you really despise and procrastinate on and simply don’t do. Looking at your two lists, what can you do to make list number one, the list of activities you do enjoy, more a part of your day? In many cases the answer is simply to outsource the tasks that you dislike.
2. Refresh Your Memory
Think back to why you started your business in the first place. What were your motivations? Goals? Passions? Write them down and take a look at all that you’ve achieved. If you’re far from your goals, if you’ve yet to achieve them, what can you do to get back on track? Often times, goals can serve to re-motivate and re-excite your passion.
3. Gratitude Helps
Think about all that you have to be grateful for. Make a list. In fact, many business and success coaches recommend creating a gratitude journal and writing in it every day. Remembering all that is good and right in your life can really reinvigorate your passion for your business and your life.
4. Work With Passionate And Motivated People
Being the owner of a small business can be a lonely job. Surround yourself with passionate and motivated people and you’ll not only find it’s contagious, you’ll find that your business success will improve as a direct result. Like Ed mentioned recently, “Start A Moob Group.”
Mastermind groups, business coaching, networking with enthusiastic and like minded professionals, and even outsourcing with people who are passionate about their business are all excellent ways to become part of a winning team.
5. Integrate
Integrate your current passions into your business. If you’ve found that your passion for your business has simply waned, consider what you do enjoy and brainstorm how you can integrate your current passions into your business.
In my experience the only passion I had in my business was the customers I loved over the years. To this day I miss them so dearly, I miss all the families, the kids, and the fun we had chatting together. In a business that I didn’t like anymore, I found passion in the people I served.
Passion breeds profits, if your passion is lacking or altogether missing, spend some time finding it. It’s important not only for the success of your business but the happiness of your life.
Pingback: 5 Effective Ways To Put Passion Back Into Your Business : South Florida Artist Entrepreneurs
Superb advice, all of us at times lost focus, motivation and our passion. You just need to remind yourself and times why you are doing this.
Thanks I’m glad you liked the article. I think that passion and a love for what you do is important in any business.