Branding comes in many shapes and sizes and the internet has opened up an entirely new set of tools in a business owners branding and marketing toolbox.
One of the most powerful forms of branding, particularly if you’re a small business, is what is called personality branding. A small business owner’s most powerful branding tool is their personality which will also be interpreted by customers and prospects as the business personality.
Since I’ve taken over this site from Yaro, you will come to see that I’m definitely a different person. I have different experiences in life, different ideas, and so on. Flat out I’m a completely different person, and I don’t think Yaro has kids.
Besides Yaro has pretty hip hair.
This site is the same, but what can I do as a new owner to bring out my own personal brand?
I remember when I took over a retail store location from a previous owner. There was this little kid that came in the store, with his big brown eyes he looked up at me and said, “Where’s the nice lady?”
I thought in my head, I’M the nice lady, darnit you little…. Just kidding.
But seriously, I had to prove to him that I was worthy of his business and show him that I may be a different lady, but I sure was alot funnier than the previous “nice” lady. He came to know me as the goofy lady at the store.
So how can you create your own personal brand in your business?
Here are a few great ways to use the internet to express your personality online.
Blogs – Blogs are a fantastic way to both communicate with your customer and to offer them value. No matter what your business product or service is, a blog can be created to communicate with your interested audience. Additionally, a blog has the added benefit of creating two way communications with small business consumers.
Video – Video is rapidly becoming one of the most popular marketing tools for small business owners because speaking is easier for many than writing and it gives you the same ability to communicate with your prospects and customers as a blog does. In fact, you can upload a video to your regular blog to mix up the content and to give your audience a new perspective.
Audio – Audio precedes video as a marketing tool however it is still very popular. When you’re speaking to your prospects and customers, about any subject relevant to your industry, your personality comes through in your voice, your inflections, and even in the words you choose. Audio is often the chosen form of personality marketing for those either not interested or not comfortable in video however both can be incorporated into your marketing mix successfully.
Content – Content is an excellent form of personality marketing and many forms of content are viral. Ebooks, articles, reports and ezines can all be forwarded to friends and associates of your prospects thus increasing your reach and your exposure.
Pictures – Ever flip to the back page of a book to see what the author looks like? I do it all the time. Why? Curiosity. I just want to know what the author looks like. It helps me connect with them. The same holds true for your business. A picture of you as the owner and pictures of your team help visitors connect with you as a person.
Social networking – Social networking has taken the world by storm and with good reason. Social networking gives business owners the ability to connect with people on an entirely different, non-sales, level. You can establish a profile on any number of networking sites and meet, greet, and connect with prospects, customers, and even potential future business partners. Social networking is personality branding kicked up a notch.
The internet also enables business owners to have an instant impression on visitors. On your business website you can post important branding tools like your mission statement or USP, company philosophy, and even an about us page. Branding is a continuous process and for the small business owner it means more than a logo and a catchy name. Small business branding is all about connecting with your customer on a personal level and the internet has made it easy and accessible for all.
Oh and if you’re ever stuck… Show off your true personality, being goofy can be a brand all in it’s own.
Great post! My entire brand is personality-based and has catapulted me past my competition over and over again!
Love the posts, keep up the good work!
Maria 🙂
Hi Maria,
Great to meet you and thanks for the support. 🙂
I think many people are even afraid to let their little spark show because it’s not “business-like.”
All it takes is to open up a tiny bit and you’ll find many people will like that quality about your business.
You’re not selling products, you’re selling the whole experience.
Gee, you seem like a nice lady to ME! Welcome and good luck on the venture.
You are right on with your personality focus, and it’s true for all businesses, not just small ones. Lots of companies– especially in the B2B realm where we spend a lot of time–forget that there are PEOPLE on the other end of every communication. (Not just job titles or customer demographics.) A little humanity makes you more interesting. So what if you turn off that rare prospect who thinks it “un-businesslike.” You’ve made yourself more attractive to many more.
Personality plays a huge role in human relationships, obviously. If you examine your customer lists very carefully, you’ll find that almost all of them are human!
Again, good luck, Vera. You’re off to a promising start.
Why thank you Mike, I thought I was a nice person. 🙂 I also love your comment, about our customers being human. Last time I checked that was also true! It’s great to meet you Mike, and thanks for the support.
Pingback: How To Keep The Brand Alive Under New Ownership
Hi Jarrod, thanks for posting. Personality is a great thing! 🙂
Great post! It is so true about adding your own touch of personality to your business site. You must recognize your own style and be who you are and not someone else. This is very encouraging thanks for posting.
Jarrod Clark
Entrepreneur Ideas